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Thread: What would make Super Street better?

  1. #49
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    You do 2 SS's and you are eligible to petition for a license, it is not a slam dunk, if Joe S. doesn't exhibit the skills and good judgement, the petition can be denied.
    The red flags in novice doesn't have as much to do with training received in the race school or SS as inexperienced and overly aggressive riders that need to learn to keep their riding in line with their skills. We have always had red flags in novice races and practice, that is why I moved up in my first year.

  2. #50
    Senior Member Snowman's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Quote Originally Posted by aspenbum View Post
    I only did the last round of SS this year at PPIR. I also went to the lapping day on the Friday before the event. My SS event would have been WAY different if I had not gone to the practice before hand. Ill say that this was a big key to my success in the SS class (finished 2nd) because I was able to familiarize myself with the track while riding along with Brownie and other novice racers…
    If there are enough instructors willing to help out the SS guys on the Friday lapping days before the MRA Events to extend it, then I think you will have way more people licensing up after two events rather then doing every SuperStreet and not licensing up.
    As Buler said the track day before a race is not run by the MRA, however many of the rider reps are there practicing and will help out if you ask them.
    Quote Originally Posted by aspenbum View Post
    I think that it should be MANDITORY that the SS riders be at the riders meetings. This will not only encourage the riders to come earlier for the lapping day, but it will get them more involved in the entire racing environment! And they need to know all of the information being provided to all of the other racers out on the tracks.
    I would highly encourage any SS racer to attend the morning racers meeting for several reasons. Track conditions are discussed, questions can be asked, etc. But most important you guys are as much a part of this club as the rest of us. However I wouldn't make it mandatory.
    Quote Originally Posted by aspenbum View Post
    I also think that if a rider completes his second SS event on a Saturday then he/she should be allowed to race on a Sunday as a Provisional Novice if they buy their license. I'm not sure if this is how it is currently setup but I do believe that this would help!
    I do believe this is the rule that once you complete your second SS you could petition and you could be racing the next day.
    Quote Originally Posted by aspenbum View Post
    The last thing I will suggest is that they add SS practice session in sometime in the morning before the classroom time. I know this may be difficult with the other racers/instructors, but if the SS riders have to go to the riders meeting, then they could meet their instructors immediately afterwards, let the instructors practice, then they could practice, then the instructors race, the SS kids go to class, then they practice again and launch and race! BOOM!
    The issue with this does have to do with your bike prep and the possibility of oiling the track. Which is why you guys are at the end of the day .

    MRA Racer No.427

  3. #51
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    The SS riders I have talked with are already of the opinion that the waiting time between the mandatory show up and the time they get to ride is already too long. Having them show up for a 7:40 am riders meeting would add another 4 hours to that time. Any one that wants to attend the riders meeting can do so now if they want.

    As far as Superstreet practicing during the race day schedule, the Superstreet bikes are not race prepped for the most part so they can't take a chance that a bike without fluid containment or case covers oils the track because of a failure or crash. This is one of the biggest reasons they run SS last. A mess can be dealt with in the evening without holding up the schedule. Instructors are also right in the middle of their own race day so taking them out of their routine is not really fair or feasible.
    I was wondering why they made us go last. I would have to agree that the waiting time between the mandatory show up and ss is too long. Both ss I went to were delayed at least 1-2 hrs due to crashes. But since ss has to go last because of bike prep. issues, what can they really do about it?

    For what ss is designed for, I think it's a pretty good program. It seems a little expensive in terms of value, but you have to realize that you're paying to race a street bike. The instruction time is more of an added bonus and probably a safety measure. Obviously, they don't want us to injure ourselves or anyone else.

    What makes this program successful, in my opinion, are the members. I've met quite a few people who have offered me help on many occasions asking for nothing in return. Feeling welcomed gives people the confidence to make the transition to racing if they so desire. I don't think anyone should try and convert ss guys to racing. If you're content with just racing in ss then I don't really see a problem.

    The only improvement I can think of is with marketing. I remember talking to a couple of guys in my class a couple months ago about ss and they never even heard of it. I would have never found out about ss had I not been looking. It seems like there are a large number of motorcyclists that aren't even aware of this program.

  4. #52
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    S.S is just an introductory deal, people should take it as is and if not then race with the big boys. People can't expect the same treatment that of someone spending hundreds if not thousands a weekend when only paying $100 and having minimal things at stake unlike the other MRA racers/classes. I seriously don't see what's been bad about it. My only superstreet was awesome, even after a tiring day of racing foe the instructors, corner workers and staff they carried on to make the experience great for us. People bitch too much imho.

  5. #53
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Im not bitching at all about the program. I think its a great idea to generate some extra revenue for the club and to get people interested in racing. But if the idea is to establish long term revenue and relationships that will ensure the longevity of the MRA then IMO it should be more informative and give new guys a little more of a taste of what a real race day is about. I feel that with a little bit of tweaking it would turn alot more guys into racers instead of them just coming back every week and not learning anything.

    For example: the new racer experience hosted by USBA at Miller is $200 but it gives you instructions on race day prep and procedure, bike setup, and classroom time with a licensed rider and multiple practice sessions with a 5 lap race at the end.

  6. #54
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Quote Originally Posted by aspenbum View Post
    For example: the new racer experience hosted by USBA at Miller is $200 but it gives you instructions on race day prep and procedure, bike setup, and classroom time with a licensed rider and multiple practice sessions with a 5 lap race at the end.
    Exactly what the MRA race school is. Superstreet is a different avenue.

  7. #55
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Superstreet may not be race pace but it definitely gives you a taste of what you're looking at. If race pace feel is what people want they need to go to MRA school, get taught and step up to novice

  8. #56
    Senior Member tecknojoe's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    if Joe S. doesn't exhibit the skills and good judgement, the petition can be denied.
    But I'm a good rider bro!

  9. #57
    Senior Member Snowman's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Super Street is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Give those riders a place to find out what it’s like to race your motorcycle.

    If you race it once and then just want to do track days, fantastic. If you never want to go further than SS and race an entire season that way, that's perfectly ok. If you use it as a stepping stone into novice racing, great. The MRA is just offering this class for whatever you guys need or want it for.

    IMHO every one of you that takes that start light even once is as much a racer as any of the rest of us.

    However the board has to balance your class needs and wants with every other classes needs and wants. For example the Saturday Schedule is being looked at to see if can be shortened. One reason is SS racers have a long wait time between class the practice. This isn’t just hard on you guys, this makes for a long day for the corner workers and officials who are not leaving the track until 6pm or 7pm. But the racers still want to race a certain number of classes with at minimum number of laps. This is something the board is working on for next season.

    This class has evolved over the past 3 years and is still evolving. So any and every suggestion you guys can come up with is valid and will be considered. After all it is your class and you guys race it. So it's you guys we want to hear from to make it work better for you.

    MRA Racer No.427

  10. #58
    Senior Member tecknojoe's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Super Street is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Give those riders a place to find out what it’s like to race your motorcycle.

    If you race it once and then just want to do track days, fantastic. If you never want to go further than SS and race an entire season that way, that's perfectly ok. If you use it as a stepping stone into novice racing, great. The MRA is just offering this class for whatever you guys need or want it for.

    IMHO every one of you that takes that start light even once is as much a racer as any of the rest of us.

    However the board has to balance your class needs and wants with every other classes needs and wants. For example the Saturday Schedule is being looked at to see if can be shortened. One reason is SS racers have a long wait time between class the practice. This isn’t just hard on you guys, this makes for a long day for the corner workers and officials who are not leaving the track until 6pm or 7pm. But the racers still want to race a certain number of classes with at minimum number of laps. This is something the board is working on for next season.

    This class has evolved over the past 3 years and is still evolving. So any and every suggestion you guys can come up with is valid and will be considered. After all it is your class and you guys race it. So it's you guys we want to hear from to make it work better for you.
    agree about the schedule. When saturday goes on for a long time, the workers are ready to get the hell out of there cause they've been at work since ~7am. If we are going to do the SS at the end of the day, we need to make sure we give them their monies worth and not rush them off the track because we're tired.

  11. #59
    Member aspenbum's Avatar
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    Re: What would make Super Street better?

    I honestly didn't mind the wait from 1 pm to 4 pm. It gave me time to double check my bike, get my tires warm, stretch, and take a piss or whatever. It was the rush from 4-5 to get the practice done and get the race finished that was kind of a pita. I hope the schedule can be accommodated to keep the program alive as it has made a new racer out of me. What about having some of the non-instructor racers do the corner work for the SS guys? That way they can earn some hours and give the CW a break.

    all just my .02 of change

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