I believe this would be a great addition to the site but if not... No problem.

How about a list of company's that are not supportive of the motorized industry? Company's who back non motorized outfits to protect land and tighten already tight regulations in the motorized community. Basically, a list of company's who do not share our beliefs as motorcycle (and other) users and fight to restrict our access to the areas and hobbies we love. For some a way of life.

I first thought of this while reading a snowmobile article where certain large main stream company's were backing organizations to fight for the protection of land that was a known snowmobiling area due to " tearing up the land. " This magazine looked into the claims and pointed out how outrageous these claims were in that certain area (but in the end it did not work out for the snowmobiles). Also the article pointed out some of those companies.... REI, Smartwool, Clifbar...etc just to name a few.

Why support companies that don't support us?