My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families, and their friends.

How can this happen? Don't criminals know that schools are federally mandated Gun Free Zones? Oh wait. They DO know that, and that's why they target schools. And movie theaters. And offices with "no weapons" policies.

When are people going to start looking at the problem in terms of its cause, and not the instrument that the criminal chose to use? In countries where guns are heavily restricted, knives become the weapon of choice (look up knife massacres if you don't believe me). Any moderately bright 9 year old can formulate explosives or poisons from a trip to Walgreens. I don't have any answers on WHY these sick fucks do the shit that they do, but the solution is a lot less complex. I have a real problem with cocksuckers like James Holmes wasting the oxygen on MY planet. A murder trial with this much evidence shouldn't take 4 years to make it to trial, and another 30 before they stick a needle in his twisted ass. "Insanity" is no defense, merely an explanation. Ok, so he's fucking crazy. And guilty of multiple murders. Put a bullet in the base of his skull and move on.