Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
This is genius.

By the way, just wondering if anyone is up for robbing a bank with me this Sunday afternoon. Just don't want to do it alone, trying to be responsible ya know?

I dont know what about this forum led you to believe we advocate going out on public roadways to try and hit 200mph, but you're clearly misinformed. We don't. There are several users here that are Law Enforcement Officers, that are active on this forum, including myself.

We have these pretty cool things called race tracks. They're cheap. I can hit 170 on PMP's front stretch. And at 170 at this altitude, I don't have much left.
I'm down, as long as we can rob a train after we dynamite the safe at the bank. Oh yeah, this all has to be done via horseback as well. We have to be done before highnoon I've got a showdown at the OK Corral and then have to hit up a 5 card draw tournament on the paddle boat headin' up the river.

If that scenario doesn't work, I say we dress up in suits and wear dead president masks(I call Trickie Dick). We can practice working as a team while surfing. Just be careful if Keanu shows up, last I heard he told Bodhi, "This is your f**king wake up call, I AM AN F.B.I agent!!"