Can't speak for the green but I will throw in my thoughts on my cr.

I'm 6 2 so not much short her than you. I am finally thinking of going to the four side. I'm not a kid anymore and keeping the power band going is sometimes a risk I don't want to play with.

I like the idea of the four stroke to do what it will for me. But that's me.

Things people going from the four to a two stroke don't know at first is that with a two stroke if you want up a hill you better get that power band screaming.

I won't touch a four stroke 250. No way. Just flat out gutless. Well maybe not if you weigh like 100 pounds. But at 6 5 I'm guessing you need a mans bike.

So with that sir I leave you with longest debate of dirt bikes. Two stroke 250 vs four stroke 450. Both have their ups and downs. The 450 gives you more open power. The 250 gives a tighter power that can't be matched. Just depends on what you want to ride.