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Thread: If Moderators Did Their Job

  1. #25
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Omg just give it a fucking break. I'm derailing what? I tried to keep the shit to one post. You joker and sparkles are taking this shot to every thread.

    I know you are hard for me, but stop mentioning me. I'm barely involved in your trolling war, other than attempting to clarify the bullshit and misrepresentations you are constantly throwing out. I never care to converse with you in any way and almost never agree with anything you puke out. You don't ride, you don't live here and you have absolutely no concept of respect or civility. Rub one out in my name and let me go sweetheart.

  2. #26
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Drano View Post
    Personally, I'd like to see this site get back to the basics. If it isn't related to motorcycling, gtfo. There is plenty of excess fat that could be trimmed off this hog, and it would make the site easier to manage. But that's just my opinion.
    Actually I would say this is part of the problem. There is no fun around here. No goofing off. Look at the way people take my posts. Its sad really.

    If you guys really want to see it like it used to be than you need to remember the nonsense that came with it. Dana's cat pic Friday. Post whoring. Tons of debates. And finally weekly meets.

    To only talk mc would get real boring real fast. Bikes don't change much and not every rider is into motogp. It would kill the forum honestly. Well kind of like it has.

    By far this place needs to unwind its panties a bit. Shit is out of control.

  3. #27
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    Maybe find out what made every other mod on here give up and fade away. Most were very active here until shortly after their appointment.
    I think this is the problem here! I am not sure how much is costs to run this site, but couldn't a moderator be paid a little bit and then they would take the job more seriously and not fade away. Not saying a lot, but I feel if someone has to moderate then maybe they should get compensated and then we will get better service; of course out of site donations and supporters.

    Just an idea because people need to stop complaining and do something about it. You guys feel that strong make a huge donation to bring in a mod or volunteer to be one free of charge; as Spiderman's first post asked for volunteers but all I see is more b*tching and nobody stepping guys keep it up and believe me Ralph is just going to pull the plug and be done with it (actually knowing the guy a bit I am sure he has thought about it)

    P.S. And before I get flamed, yes I was a yearly supporter for many years. I will gladly become one again if I know where the money is going (not saying it is not being used right, just have no idea what a website like this costs to run)
    Last edited by bulldog; Tue May 19th, 2015 at 07:54 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  4. #28
    Senior Member Clovis's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I agree with Drano and Zantos.

    #1Townie - Never liked you, would have voted "GO" in your poll if you hadn't closed voting... so, with all due respect, please GTFO - your time has come and gone.

    Regarding the site: I joined in May 2007; that was when I bought my first motorcycle and I came across the CSC in a Google search, as I suspect most new people did and still do. Back then the club was an amazing fun time. I recall one of the mods (I think Ralph?) had posted some pictures he took from a plan of the San Juan mountains and posted a weekend ride to Durango.

    We had 12 bikes show up and it was a blast! That was my first over night trip and 8 years later I still remember it quite well. I remember the riding and how badly I wanted to be off the bike by the time we reached Pagosa Springs, but most of all I remember the people, the jokes, the drinks, the GOOD TIMES!

    At dinner, I remember ordering drinks and "I'll have a diet coke and jack... because, I'm on a diet" and something about mad money becoming "Angry money" as we stood outside the hotel room, joking around and talking about the ride the day before and the ride ahead of us.

    The first Fire Cracker 500 in 2008 - we also had 12 people show up for this - had a lot of fun despite 1 crash and 1 massive speeding ticket (me).

    Fast forward to 2011 -- Durango trip, we had 4 people show and only 3 were CSC. We still had a lot of fun, despite getting rained on more or less non stop for 300 miles on day 1 but was a far cry from the 2008 trip that had inspired it. We still do the Firecracker 500 every year but we're lucky to get 5 people to show up now.

    I've met hundreds of people through the CSC - it used to be every time I would go out riding and meet some people who were fun to ride or hang out with I would bring up CSC and they would usually join up.

    I want to see a return to the glory days and the potential is there. No one likes the CSC we've become as reading the threads here it's hard to tell when it's winter and when it's summer because the threads all look like winter threads...

    Maybe part of the problem is there seems to be a lot less sport bike riders out in the canyons than previous years. I noticed this last summer and seems to be true this year. When I go out to the canyons, it's almost rare to see other sport bikes. The only people I see actually out and riding the canyons are Harleys and cruisers. Seems like most of the newer sport bike riders are more interested in riding in a straight line or showing off for the ladies than they are riding the canyons and actually learning how to use their bike for it's intended purpose.

    I've thought about how to fix this - I've considered asking to be a moderated, or take over the site or whatnot but the reality is, at least right now - I just don't have the time to do it by myself. My free time for CSC is limited to the early morning and evenings but if we could get a few moderators, then we have an option.

    Right now we're a site without moderators and everything flies...

    "If not us, who? If not now, when?"

  5. #29
    Senior Member Moderator Spooph's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    I think this is the problem here! I am not sure how much is costs to run this site, but couldn't a moderator be paid a little bit and then they would take the job more seriously and not fade away. Not saying a lot, but I feel if someone has to moderate then maybe they should get compensated and then we will get better service; of course out of site donations and supporters.

    Just an idea because people need to stop complaining and do something about it. You guys feel that strong make a huge donation to bring in a mod or volunteer to be one free of charge; as Spiderman's first post asked for volunteers but all I see is more b*tching and nobody stepping guys keep it up and believe me Ralph is just going to pull the plug and be done with it (actually knowing the guy a bit I am sure he has thought about it)

    P.S. And before I get flamed, yes I was a yearly supporter for many years. I will gladly become one again if I know where the money is going (not saying it is not being used right, just have no idea what a website like this costs to run)
    Have you ever been a mod? First, thanks for throwing out an idea and trying to solve the problem. Obviously that's the right attitude and I'm not trying to step on that... However, having been a mod on other forums, it's a thankless job and no amount of money can make it worth it. A mod should only step if things get out of hand, so, yes, the site requires moderation, but what it needs more than anything is intelligent members posting topic-specific content.

    IE - when's the last time an article from cycleworld or sportrider was posted and discussed? There is so much to bench race about - some subtopic have been mentioned on here - why aren't there more riders in the canyons? What about track talk - why not get a group together to "save Pueblo" or whatever...

    So Bulldog, you're on the right track, there do need to be active mods, but that's not gonna "fix" the site. Only the membership will. If you, and every other active member who posted in this thread, starts one new thread concerning sport bikes in Colorado, every day, for the rest of the summer, maybe the CSC will get back to something worthwhile.
    IE - formula for successful forum:
    1.) Members inform themselves from other sources, and share that information in the forum.
    2.) When the discussion gets out of hand, there is a mod to "moderate" the disagreement.
    Respect and truth trump all!
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  6. #30
    Senior Member Moderator
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    It is good to know that there are several people who see this site as needing moderation and want to fix it. I will say this, however, I feel that the problem with the site is indicative of a greater issue. Maybe it is apathy, maybe what Bulldog has said is what is basically just waiting to happen: that Ralph is eventually going to pull the plug. I wouldn't blame him. Spooph said it best, being the admin/moderator is a thankless job, and if Bob and Ralph have given up caring, then it's up to us to show them that WE care.

    Secondly, this is not about telling people to stay or go. It doesn't matter if people do or don't ride. What matters is their interest in the content of this site, which should be mostly related to motorcycles. I'll grant that there are other interesting things to discuss, but they shouldn't dominate the landscape. Also, you all are flaming on Townie pretty hard and that needs to stop. It takes two to tango, and he should be just as welcome to stay here as anybody else, regardless as to whether he lives here or not, and whether or not he currently has a bike or not. I'm in between bikes right now, and I'd hate to be told that I have no place here. This place is supposed to generate interest in sportbikes. It's supposed to inform people about our hobby and help infuse new blood. We're responsible for that, and moderators are responsible for keeping us on point.

    So I will say this to Bob and Ralph: I care about this forum. I want to help where I can. As I mentioned above, I'll volunteer to be a moderator if I'm needed. I'm probably not the most ideal person for the job because I'm drill sergeant mean when I'm tasked to do something. I'm not afraid to piss people off when it comes to laying down the law. So if you want somebody who will wield the hammer with authoritarian despotism, promote me. If you don't like the job I'm doing, you have the power to take it away.

  7. #31
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Spooph View Post
    Have you ever been a mod? First, thanks for throwing out an idea and trying to solve the problem. Obviously that's the right attitude and I'm not trying to step on that... However, having been a mod on other forums, it's a thankless job and no amount of money can make it worth it. A mod should only step if things get out of hand, so, yes, the site requires moderation, but what it needs more than anything is intelligent members posting topic-specific content.

    IE - when's the last time an article from cycleworld or sportrider was posted and discussed? There is so much to bench race about - some subtopic have been mentioned on here - why aren't there more riders in the canyons? What about track talk - why not get a group together to "save Pueblo" or whatever...

    So Bulldog, you're on the right track, there do need to be active mods, but that's not gonna "fix" the site. Only the membership will. If you, and every other active member who posted in this thread, starts one new thread concerning sport bikes in Colorado, every day, for the rest of the summer, maybe the CSC will get back to something worthwhile.
    IE - formula for successful forum:
    1.) Members inform themselves from other sources, and share that information in the forum.
    2.) When the discussion gets out of hand, there is a mod to "moderate" the disagreement.
    I have never been a mod…basically because of what you said….a thankless job and people just start to hate on the person for doing their job; seen it so many time “wtf did you delete my post for”. That is why the only way I could think of fixing this is to offer up money to the person willing to do it; there just are not enough people that come on here daily that could fill that roll; honestly I would if I didn’t have a job or worked from home, but I can never say I will be able to get on here all the time because my job comes first. And not so sure anyone would want to step into this roll for free knowing it needs a lot of work.

    No idea why more people, especially the ones who are complaining, do not offer more sportbike content. I rode for 18+ years and I made tons of bike related threads and daily rides, but with me I have not been into the scene as much now because I am on a break until I figure out what bike suites me next ( kind of over the uncomfortable sportbikes and thinking maybe a VFR or something along that line). Anyways since I am not up to date it has become more difficult to make those threads and I really look to the younger crowd to step up to do this like I once did as they are the main riding scene now.

    So I agree and members need to step up too! People complaining there is not enough sportbike talk, well then go find a good topic and post it up; most likely someone will be interested. Hate all the “off topic” talk then overrun it with sportbike topics….but yes it takes work and more than people complaining.

    And yes, I feel we only need a mod for those situations where two men are arguing and pretty clear neither are going to stop; pretty typical with men, so we do need someone to stop it before it gets escalated (saying this as being guilty myself or arguing too far).

    I really do fear that Ralph is getting sick of all this and one day soon we are going to come on here and the site will be gone forever; can’t blame him as he runs this mainly for others since he rarely posts now. So people complaining may one day be wishing we still even had the site going…even if it is not perfect right now.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  8. #32
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Really good post Drano.
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    I rarely think of motorcycles without a little yearning. They are about moving, and humans, I think, yearn to move – it’s in our cells, in our desires. We quiet our babies with cyclic movement, and we quiet ourselves by going.
    Melissa Holbrook Pierson

  9. #33
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Believe it or not, I too, feel that its unfortunate things are going the way they are around here. Its sad actually that people cant just get along and have a common goal of success for the site, but whats anyone to do? I have absolutely no problem going after the folks that are on here for the "fun" of it. That dont even fit an obvious outline of why we all should be here. Ride, dont ride. Live in the state or not. CONTRIBUTE!

    Contributing doesnt have to be more than a concept of why you are here. "I am here to contribute". Thats all. It could also be site support, say in the form of donating yearly or to some of the events that seem to need help. Honestly all this site needs is 3-4 people that are willing to try and take it to another level and keep it out of the dumps.

    I apologize for my contribution to what may have seemed to some to be a trolling war. That was never my goal or what I set out to do, but I am tired of watching the same people be a disruption to the whole site. If you are here to simply fill your day because you are training a new person at work and feel like playing games with people then this isnt the place for you. If you could care less about bettering the sportbike community in Colorado then this isnt the place for you.

    Either way, id be happy to tackle whatever needs to be done around here to take it in another direction. Assuming its not too late. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  10. #34
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    My vote goes to Bueller for moderator!
    Kim & Dean
    60th Anniversary R6 - '16 R1M


  11. #35
    Senior Member Moderator Spooph's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    looks like we have our 3 or 4 people right here... If we can get buy-in from the powers that be... BOOM!
    Respect and truth trump all!
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  12. #36
    Senior Member WolFeYeZ's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Step 1: Appoint 3 new moderators that you trust, immediately.
    Step 2: Ban Townie. He is much more of a liability than a benefit. Seeing him threaten other members (and more) without any recourse is disappointing.
    Step 3: Have new moderators have a presence in enforcing rules, including those of respect amongst members. An occasional post of “Is that really fucking necessary to say?” might be helpful.
    MRA Expert #880 - 2015 AmateurGTO Champion, 2013 NoviceGTU Champion
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  13. #37
    Senior Member Moderator Jmetz's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I'll also throw my hat in for mod. I agree with Drano and Spooph, ultimately it's up to us what this board/club is or is not. Be the change you want to see.
    I've got more flavor than a packet of macaroni.

  14. #38
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    I vote for anybody for Mod except Wolfeyez. Dude's already ready to drop the ban hammer!

    Aprilia RSV 1000 R Factory - "Gemma"
    MV Agusta F3 800 - "Amy Lou"
    Rattan Fat Bear Plus - "Lynda"
    (720) 935-6438
    I rarely think of motorcycles without a little yearning. They are about moving, and humans, I think, yearn to move – it’s in our cells, in our desires. We quiet our babies with cyclic movement, and we quiet ourselves by going.
    Melissa Holbrook Pierson

  15. #39
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    My vote goes to Bueller for moderator!
    You gotta be high!

  16. #40
    Senior Member WolFeYeZ's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Barn~ View Post
    I vote for anybody for Mod except Wolfeyez. Dude's already ready to drop the ban hammer!

    Hey, I've been a mod before and used the banhammer generously... but accurately :P Never had any pushback, haha.

    On a different note, I don't want to be a mod here... not enough time these days. I would be down for most of the people posting here except townie, lolz.
    MRA Expert #880 - 2015 AmateurGTO Champion, 2013 NoviceGTU Champion
    2006 YZF-R6 Race "No name" - 2005 YZF-R6 Street "Aurora"
    2015 Sponsors: Dunlop, Speedin Motorsports, STM Suspension, Silkolene Lubricants, EBC Brakes, Pit-Bull Products

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  17. #41
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    You gotta be high!
    Ah, come on. In between banning people, you can install their ceiling fans, too.
    Kim & Dean
    60th Anniversary R6 - '16 R1M


  18. #42
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Hey I got some new tires, I hear you change 'em cheap.

  19. #43
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    Hey I got some new tires, I hear you change 'em cheap.
    ... not since some whiffle dick broke my machine!!
    Kim & Dean
    60th Anniversary R6 - '16 R1M


  20. #44
    Senior Member Moderator Gramps's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    ... not since some whiffle dick broke my machine!!
    You said whiffle Dick
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  21. #45
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Whiffle or wiffle?

  22. #46
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    Whiffle or wiffle?
    Ya know... I'm not sure. I like whiffle with it's definition meaning to blow lightly, but I also like the reference to Wiffle Ball...
    Kim & Dean
    60th Anniversary R6 - '16 R1M


  23. #47
    aka - The Devil Lifetime Supporter
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job


    It's true, I moved. I was highly active both before and after becoming a mod, which I THINK I've been since 2004. I've offered coaching, run track days , set up peoples suspension, posted articles, banned people, deleted posts, made friends and pissed people off.

    If I'm really honest with myself, I just ran out of time to care as much about this as I could in the past.

    If it's fit to remove me as a moderator, then go ahead and do it. It would have to be pretty out of hand on a day that I was on for me to take action over something.

    I support the call for additional moderation, I support the active users taking responsibility for managing the content of the site - go forth Millennial generation of the CSC!

  24. #48
    Senior Member FZRguy's Avatar
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    Re: If Moderators Did Their Job

    No need to ban Townie or anyone else. If you guys would stop taking the bait (hook, line, sinker) and not respond to his posts, he will leave. It's that simple.
    KTM Duke 690

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