Everyone should ride COTA at least once, the facility is amazing. Ridesmart as a company was massively disappointing however.

We just had problems with poor/slow transitions to the next groups, sitting on pit lane in full leathers while they wait for every single bike to be completely clear of the track and pits before giving the next group the go ahead, low time actually on track, long delays for every crash, and really long/boring riders meetings.

My advice:

Skip the riders meeting. You'll learn nothing, it's basically an advertisement and a warning not to crash. The loudspeakers give you all the information you'll ever need.

Their tech was the most thorough I've ever been through. It's not Nazi strict by any means, just moreso than HPR and Miller were. I got failed for too tight chain tension. Not a big deal I loosened it up and all was good.

They're strict about no show-off wheelies. My RR, and your Duc, will power wheelie through 3rd and that's fine, just no showing off with wheelies.

Go there the bright before for early check-in and tech. It was worth it to not have to stress the next day.

They require classroom meetings after every session. I'd skip as many of these as you can. The information is elementary, inconsistent, and common sense. Unless you're new to track days, find a way to get out of these. But beware they try and force you by not giving you the sticker for the next session.

Lastly, there will be a lot of amateurs. If you run competitively in fast group at HPR, sign up for 3, if not higher class 2. There were a lot of new guys in my group, 2b, which was aggravating as hell.