Quote Originally Posted by FZRguy View Post
Nate, Jessica did not die because a cow was in the road. She died because she was going triple digit speeds on a road that is completely unsuitable for big speed. Teller 11 is posted as open range and is a steeply rolling road with very limited sight distance. Jess, being a fairly new rider, was completely in over her skill level and not prepared to stop her motorcycle quickly from xxx speed. She panicked and grabbed a handful of front brake that put her hard on the ground. People die on motorcycles because they make bad decisions. It broke my heart to see Jess die like that and I wish I could go back in time and mentor her, and teach her the skills and good decision making needed to ride motorcycles for a long, long time.
...and, what's even more sickening about that, is no one learned a damn thing from her wreck! We went on a memorial ride to the site a long time ago and everyone was hauling ass through that stretch with tons of cows standing on the side of the road. Thank god we didn't have a repeat that day!!!