Update: Well, the game took a turn for the worse and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I did the only thing I could, and put the disc through my paper shredder. When a game is so bad and can't be fixed, sometimes you just need to take that thing out back and Ole Yeller it. It was a huge relief and was very satisfying watching my shredder eat the game. What was even better, I was in a voice chat party and all of my COD friends were shocked. Couldn't believe that I actually did it.

Thursday was the night it happened. Game has recently been updated and it sucks now more than ever. Have to go back to Headquarters to gather your friends in a party. Spawns were so bad, that I got spawned five times in front of the same guy that killed me with a pistol each and every time. I had a auto rifle and couldn't do anything. The connection was so bad that I could see my bullets hitting the wall behind the guy as I shot through him. The lag is terrible in the game now, you'll die from guys that aren't even on your screen.

Then there's the first new DLC map pack. Five maps, one zombie, one war and three multiplayer. Scratch that, only one new multiplayer map, and the other two are remakes of one from Modern Warfare 3(Resistance) and Advanced Warfare(Detroit). I mean, how lazy and mediocre can a developer get?? Zombies suck, War is Core only and lame as hell, so that leaves multiplayer. And we get one completely new map, with two retreads.

Worst Call of Duty ever!! WARNING!! Do Not Buy!!

I've seen speeds over 300+ during non peak times, this was taken just now...
And yeah, it's not my connection: