Oh nice...looks like WWII (full game; not beta) will have a campaign mode! I love the campaign modes of Call of Duties and probably one of my favorites of the hundreds I've played. Seems like the WWII one will be great https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkai.../#55324c8f3f32

Wow, this is new to COD: There's the health bar, something new for Call of Duty. You still see red when you're shot, and this still fades away after a few seconds. But instead of regenerating all your health, your health bar diminishes until you can get a first aid pack, which other characters can toss you.

This should change it up because no more hiding to regain health....got to work to get health back. With that the added health bar will be good too.

As for mutliplayer I have to say "spawning" I don't really care for and that is because of that you said; people figure out the spawn points and just camp there and kill you right when you spawn. So many times in Halo online I would just spawn to have a grenade explode and kill me...to me that is just lame. Sure it gets you kills, but not like it is hard and I could do the same thing. I also feel when people know they can die and come back in they don't play as strategic because they know if they mess up they come right back in. When this does not occur, you have to be way more careful because there are times you may wait a few minutes till a match ends and you get to play again....consequences! Years ago I got to top 10% in Halo (very hard) and really the only way I was getting beat was because of people taking advantage of these situations like spawning or glitches in the game. it got to be where people where happy cheating as long as they got to the top, but to me I've always felt that playing that way is not as satisfying as knowing I beat someone fair and square. Honestly that is why I stopped playing online so much.....it's amazing how much effort people put into cheating.

I'm really pumped for this campaign mode.....WWII was very interesting and I've read a lot about it.