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Thread: Moving to Southern CO

  1. #1
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    Moving to Southern CO

    Can anyone give me an idea of pros/cons of moving from the Seattle area to Pueblo / Springs? Work is painfully dull (sitting at a desk all day) and it's awfully crowded on the road and in the campgrounds. It's about time for a change.

    I've interviewed with the steel mill in Pueblo, but not certain that's something I want to do. It would be... challenging... but a lot more industrial (read filthy and hot) than anywhere I've worked before. I've spent a bit of time in Pueblo, Springs, and Denver, mostly as a way to access the Dunes, Royal Gorge, and Manitou. From what I've seen, the difference between the PNW and CO are a wash. Both offer great riding and good beer and spectacular snowboarding. I'd be trading Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens for Pikes Peak and Aspen.

    I suppose the question is: just how bad is traffic to / on the fun roads? I know it can get BAD down I-25, but I'm hoping to avoid that as much as possible. Are there decent roads that parallel the highway to get around Denver to the fun stuff? There's so much sprawl up here that it's often faster to ride through neighborhoods marked at 25 mph then it is to take I-5 /-405 or WA-167, and anything up the mountains suffers from rolling roadblocks every weekend. That, or forest fires and construction closing any route up and over to the South or East side. I'm tired of feeling boxed in - that's why I left Philly.

    Another question: How bad are income taxes and registration? I know cost of living is less, especially in Pueblo, but I've been spoiled by no state income tax. Registration costs in King County are skyrocketing, but I can't find exactly what they are in Pueblo or El Paso. How far will what I make now go, or how much of a raise should I ask for? Can Pueblo or Springs support a Senior Engineer very long, or is that a dead end?

    How bad is Pueblo really for gangs / theft / a family? Everyone I spoke to at the mill lives in Springs and commutes. I would prefer not to drive that far, but also see kids in my near future. ... Plus a house with a nice big garage and several bikes. Bikes that I intend to ride everywhere: to work (possibly at the mill), Downtown, to the Reservoir, to a friend's place in Belmont, etc. I've never really worried about my bike here, except for having my plate stolen once, but I hear crime is pretty bad in Pueblo.

    Is Pueblo Motorsports Park (road course) safe to ride, or is it even open? What little I found doesn't sound like any track day I've ever been to. Basically no tech inspection, no mandatory riders meeting each day, and no separation of skill levels. Looks like PMP also has dirt trails, but I can't find any info about that at all.

  2. #2
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    My wife lived in Pueblo during college and said the violence there was bad! Her apt was broken into a few times and one time the person came in middle of night when she was asleep. She claimed gangs are way worse there than Denver. My wife is also Anglo and encountered a lot of racism from the hispanic people down there as Pueblo is prominently hispanic...most those small town near the border of NM will be that way. I was raised in NM and violence is bad there too......I much prefer Denver!

    I would consider moving to Co Springs, but never Pueblo....sorry bu there is a reason cost of living is cheap. We had friends move down to Trinidad for the same reason, but visiting them I understood why cost of living was sucked.

    Traffic???? Man we are one of the fastest growing cities so traffic here is terrible as so many people have moved here through the last ten years and the road can't keep up....although here Seattle is bad, but don't think it is going to be much better (although never been to Seattle to really compare)

    Why Pueblo has the highest per-capita homicide rate in Colorado <- CLICK (Appears there are gangs wars there)
    Last edited by bulldog; Wed Sep 13th, 2017 at 11:55 AM.
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  3. #3
    Gold Member salsashark's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Having spent my fair share of time in the Seattle area while working for Big "B", I can tell you that traffic in CO is nowhere near as bad as Seattle. Yes we have issues, but I can still drive from Parker to Downtown Denver in less than an hour. Try driving from Renton to Everett any time of the day in the same amount of time! Now, throw in the rain!!!

    I love the PNW, but after spending time up there, I don't think it's a place I'd want to live.

    WA - CO cost of living is a little less... (Denver real estate has pretty much caught up, COS and Pueblo are more affordable... and that depends on your definition of affordable)

    I was a child when my parents moved us out of Pueblo. My dad worked at that steel mill in the 70s and when he got laid off, my parents moved us to Denver. When I look at where my childhood friends are today compared to us, I fear I would be in the same situation... There aren't as many opportunities. Just like Bulldog said, I'd move to COS without any worries. It would take a miracle to get me to move to Pueblo.

    As for skiing, SW CO has some great resorts, but they're a haul. You can take the back roads up to Summit County from COS and be on some of the best resorts in the world in a couple of hours. However, everyone else knows this as well, so the mountain traffic is terrible during the weekends. I rarely ride anymore because I hate sitting on I-70 so much.
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  4. #4
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by salsashark View Post
    Yes we have issues, but I can still drive from Parker to Downtown Denver in less than an hour.
    Yeah I know Seattle is bad, but didn't know that bad, but I know they are ranked worse for traffic than us. Although you must get lucky man because I used to go meet the North CSC crew on Wednesdays at Unser cart racing, but that was taking me over a hour at 5pm and that is basically from Santa Fe and Beleview to I36 (like 70th Ave). Santa Fe to I25 was like 20 minutes alone to get off ramp. You must mean outside of rush hour then right?
    Quote Originally Posted by salsashark View Post

    I was a child when my parents moved us out of Pueblo. My dad worked at that steel mill in the 70s and when he got laid off, my parents moved us to Denver. When I look at where my childhood friends are today compared to us, I fear I would be in the same situation... There aren't as many opportunities. Just like Bulldog said, I'd move to COS without any worries. It would take a miracle to get me to move to Pueblo.
    Funny because I feel the same way and I was raised in Santa Fe and Albuquerque NM which are way smaller than Denver. I go back and nearly all my friends are not in the best position either as there are no opportunities and I know if I stayed there I'd of been the same way. Growing up I thought it was normal to see gangs and violence that I have seen. In my High School there was a fight daily and I thought that was normal until I talked to people who grew up in better places. Looking back I'd never raise a kid there (unless maybe private schools) and I feel Pueblo is very similar.......don't raise a kid there!
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  5. #5
    Gold Member salsashark's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Yeah I know Seattle is bad, but didn't know that bad, but I know they are ranked worse for traffic than us. Although you must get lucky man because I used to go meet the North CSC crew on Wednesdays at Unser cart racing, but that was taking me over a hour at 5pm and that is basically from Santa Fe and Beleview to I36 (like 70th Ave). Santa Fe to I25 was like 20 minutes alone to get off ramp. You must mean outside of rush hour then right?
    Yes... outside of normal rush hour(s). Took me 35 minutes to get downtown yesterday. I was even surprised. I expected it would take closer to an hour.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Like everyone has said, Pueblo is a complete shit hole. Stay away. And if you're white I wouldn't even consider working there and commuting, the comment about racism from the Mexicans wasn't wrong.

  7. #7
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Another key thing to remember about Colorado Springs, for some reason we've seen a rapid growth in the last year(close to 15,000 new residents) and our average cost per home has now shot up to $268k(still affordable but going up) Price of rent here in the Springs has shot up as well. Cheaper to buy a home, than rent one. Our real estate is a seller's market. Homes will be for sale for a few days and they are sold fast. People are getting into bidding wars over homes(least this is what I've been hearing from some folks).

    They say our population is right at 700k but I think once you factor in Monument and Woodland Park/Cascade/Chipeta Park, we are close to one million in population. Colorado Springs is bigger than you might think. Our water services reach people out east towards Ellicott and west up hwy 24 to Chipeta Park.

    Banning Lewis Ranch is slated to add homes for another 35,000 residents. Southern Delivery System was put in place in order to handle the water demands of our rapidly growing city.

    Another big "con" that I would say detracts from our city, is Marijuana and the influx of homeless it's brought into the city.

    Everyone is flocking to Colorado to get high and now we are really starting to see the effects of it. I really see it downtown, you can't go anywhere without seeing someone stoned out of their mind or just running across very shady looking folks.

    We saw a guy today at the intersection of Cimmaron and Nevada, with only shorts and socks on. Walking in circles and scratching his skin and swatting at the empty air. You could tell he was on something bad. He was yelling and just acting completely tweaked out, and the guy had to have been in his 20's.

    I see people talking to walls, to trees, to people that aren't even there, all the time. Saw a younger woman last week by the Bum N' Go(I mean Kum N' Go) on Nevada and Las Vegas, having a serious and pissed off conversation with herself. We see people stagger out into traffic all the time, walk in cross walks when they aren't supposed to and these people are oblivious as to what is happening around them.

    The other problem with Marijuana now is that there is a dispensary on every corner it seems. You can't go anywhere in the city without smelling this stinking sh*t in the air.

    So while Colorado Springs somehow seems to make the high quality of life ratings year after year and get rave reviews for Garden of the Gods, Red Rock Canyon, Pikes Peak, etc. I really think the quality of normal every day life(for normal people) has gone down with the inception of legal marijuana and massive influx of bums. The other problem with bums is they seem to be on every street corner, begging for money with some crappy sign. There are even reports of them starting to get belligerent in some parts of town when people won't give them anything.

    I live on the very outskirts of the city on Marksheffle, where I can still see real prairie, and if I had it my way I'd be way out east on about 100 acres. I'm getting tired of all the BS that seems to be happening in CSprings.

    Our nice areas to live in are all over. Briargate, Broadmoor(obviously), Village Seven, Holland Park, Rockrimmon, Stetson Hills, some Black Forest areas and Palmer Park has some nice areas.

    Places to avoid: anything on Academy south of Platte. Murray and Pikes Peak/Airport area(couldn't pay me to live here), Fountain and Chelton area(very high crime). South end of Academy and Hancock(very high crime). Stratmoor Hills(B Street side) and Stratmoor Meadows(this leads into Southgate and downtown, really busted ass neighborhoods). I'd avoid anything on the Westside just because the people are so weird. Cool and old buildings and homes but just weird ass people. Then again, if you like Manitou you'll like the Westside. The Westside is like Manitou, just less weird. I only go to the Westside for Surplus City on 28th, and only go into Manitou because of work, otherwise I avoid Manitou like the plague.

    Some other honorable mentions for some nice areas(but they are small areas) are Fountain, Security and Widefield. For the most part these are really heavy on G.I.'s so you'll always get dickheads in them.

    Income taxes are so so. State tax is around 4%. But city to city, the taxes vary. Colorado Springs has a 8.64% sales tax at the moment. Property taxes aren't bad really and for an average $200k home, you'd be in the $1000 range per year.

    If you don't like urban sprawl, then Colorado Springs and Denver aren't for you. That's all these two cities are, sprawl from one side to the other.

    Can't really speak to Pueblo, nothing really good to say about Pueblo. It's the one city of the big three in Colorado that never really grew or improved. Colorado Springs has exploded because of the view, the military bases and certain industries. Denver has always been huge, and because it's the capital city.

    Pueblo has always been the runt of the three cities. It's an old steel city that never moved on.

    The main difference in crime between Colorado Springs and Pueblo are homicides. Springs tends to have double or triple the homicides but Pueblo is really high on other violent crimes. Seems all anyone does down in Pueblo is stab each other. Their stabbings have always been high. Guess their bad guys can't afford guns like Colorado Springs bad guys, so they stab or bludgeon each other.

    Another thing, not super important is Politics. Colorado Springs is traditionally Republican/Conservative, whereas Denver and Pueblo are heavily Democrat/Liberal.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Nice write up BK. Place to avoid you wrote Fountain. And honorable mentions you also wrote in Fountain. So which is it, is Fountain a place to avoid or is it 0k? After reading this whole thread I'm glad to be in my pleasant bubble of Douglas county. I hear of terrible stories of cos and peeblo. I have visited cos several times, but fortunately I have not witness any sub-humans. Is the chile festival in peeblo? I was thinking of chking it out. I don't start shit so there won't be any. Plus being brown I blend in haha. But yea.. i don't see how people love MJ so much to move here. I was lucky enuff to end my military stint at Fitzsimons that I stayed. Traffic here is awful. Main reason why I come to work at 5am to avoid rush hour BS. Only time to enjoy mnts. Summer and Wintr are mon-thurs. sucks on weekend for sure. So much people here. And seems like most people are idiots in their avatar of vehicles. I have seen my share of unpleasantness in the world. After reading how mexican people are bigots towards white is awful in pueblo. I have visited, just pass thru for gas. But seems like pueblo is not getting better any time soon. Seems like it will always be what it is...

  9. #9
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    I should have clarified when I said there are small areas. Should have said small areas within fountain, security and wodefield. Because there are little small pockets of nice neighborhoods. For the most part though, the rest aren't very good.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  10. #10
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    I also should have clarified my G.Im comment. Not saying they are all dickheads, but for the most part you get a lot of them and they can be super rowdy and wreck a quiet neighborhood.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  11. #11
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    No clarification needed. I understand your comment. I did a month in ft Carson. my soldier peers seemed level headed. But times change and dick heads seemed to be more

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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Another option to work in Pueblo would be look west at Canon City area. Easy commute and small town vibes, plus ready access to great roads.
    State income tax will hit you at 4-5% depending on your income level. Property tax will depend on your area.
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by salsashark View Post
    Try driving from Renton to Everett any time of the day in the same amount of time! Now, throw in the rain!!!

    I love the PNW, but after spending time up there, I don't think it's a place I'd want to live.
    I rode up I-5 and WA-99 from the south to Ballard Wednesday around 5:45. GPS said over an hour to go the 18 miles. I hit Seattle Used Bikes / Fuse Box right at 6:30, and wasn't riding (too) aggressively. Google makes a few assumptions that don't apply to the bike though. If I were stuck in a cage, it might have been 8:00 before I got there and found a parking spot. Back down only took twenty minutes around 9:00.

    I love the PNW... but. The traffic is out of control and the GRAY and WET from October to May is a killer. There's no lodging at any of the slopes nearby, so anyone that wants to ski/snowboard on the weekend is basically forced to drive out and back at the same time. Fires every summer, plus massive construction, plus massive traffic, plus damage to all the interesting roads because there's no budget to maintain them means there's less good riding every year. The whole Seattle area definitely has lots of crazies, including the piece of shit that goes around my neighborhood screaming racial slurs at the top of his lungs and driving the dogs into a frenzy, plus the bridge trolls. The neighborhoods completely decked out in rainbows are more alien to me than the solidly Black neighborhood where I used to live in Philly.

    To give you an idea where I am now, a two-bedroom house on a postage stamp in my neighborhood is $500k, and rent for a decent one-bedroom apartment is $1,300. No income tax, but between the sales tax (9.5%) and sin taxes on bottles (tax on two bottles is enough to buy a third), it's expensive to go out. 87 Octane at the cheaper stations is $2.87/gal. My commute is only ten minutes on local streets, but can get backed up around the highway entrances. The downtown area is only a couple blocks away and is small but fun: a local brewery in the old city hall, a farmers market by the bus station, mexican/indian/italian/barbecue restaurants, retro game stores, and several bars ranging from douche sport to cranky old regulars to slightly divey but awesome food and drinks. And they all have a great beer selection. That's the kind of place I'd like to rent until I buy a place on a few acres with a nice big garage and comfortable for a family.

    I'm practically Transparent, but my Hispanic girlfriend has family all over Pueblo. Her older family is nice, but the younger ones... lots of attitude, few jobs, and drug problems. Unfortunately, I really haven't spent time in the city to get a feel for the place. How much of an issue is an interracial relationship going to be in the long term there? Her family is cool with it.

    As for the really bad crazies (itchy, shouting, violent, etc.) ... I don't think that's weed. From the few heavy smokers I've known, that shit mostly sucks the life out of a person. I knew a girl with a great personality, top grades, college prospects, etc. that started smoking after a breakup and suddenly she's shacked up with her dealer, incredibly anxious and withdrawn, and stuck working fast food for life. The only time there's life in her eyes or a smile on her face is when she stops for a few days. And people say it's not a "real drug."

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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by texlurch View Post
    Another option to work in Pueblo would be look west at Canon City area. Easy commute and small town vibes, plus ready access to great roads.
    State income tax will hit you at 4-5% depending on your income level. Property tax will depend on your area.
    That's a bit of a stretch at 45 minutes, but how is the traffic out that way?

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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by HalcyonSon View Post
    That's a bit of a stretch at 45 minutes, but how is the traffic out that way?
    No idea but it cannot be any worse than 25 to the Sprgs. Unless you are on the south side, it will be 45 minutes plus Sprgs to Pueblo.
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    How is the drive out to the ski slopes in winter? Monarch is probably the closest to Pueblo and Springs, so that looks like home base. I got in the habit of taking Fridays off in the winter to beat the weekend rush, and do that two or three times a month. Is the drive up through Salida decent? I have a rear-wheel-drive pickup with cable chains and the usual assortment of shovel, blankets, water, etc. in the backseat.

    Is there a way around Denver to get to Loveland / Breckenridge and the big boys of Vale and Aspen? I-25/-70 is the obvious route, but is CO-50/-9 cleared and maintained? Bigger trip like that would probably be once or twice a season, and hopefully stay for a long weekend.

  17. #17
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by HalcyonSon View Post
    How is the drive out to the ski slopes in winter? Monarch is probably the closest to Pueblo and Springs, so that looks like home base. I got in the habit of taking Fridays off in the winter to beat the weekend rush, and do that two or three times a month. Is the drive up through Salida decent? I have a rear-wheel-drive pickup with cable chains and the usual assortment of shovel, blankets, water, etc. in the backseat.

    Is there a way around Denver to get to Loveland / Breckenridge and the big boys of Vale and Aspen? I-25/-70 is the obvious route, but is CO-50/-9 cleared and maintained? Bigger trip like that would probably be once or twice a season, and hopefully stay for a long weekend.
    This site may help with your questions

    I70 is horrible for ski season to get to Vail, Keystone, ABasin, Breck, etc......period!!!!

    P.S. OMG, can't believe you are still considering to live in Pueblo as nobody said one good thing about it
    Last edited by bulldog; Mon Sep 18th, 2017 at 02:40 PM.
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  18. #18
    Gold Member asp_125's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    CO-50 and 9 are usually plowed, they provide a back way into Summit County ski areas in winter. Monarch gets a shit ton of snow each season, along the lines of Mt Baker.
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    Quote Originally Posted by salsashark View Post
    ... Motorcycles are kind of like Baskin Robbins... You're looking at 31 flavors of ice cream, don't you kind of want to know what they all taste like?...

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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Non one has mentioned the crime factor! Better live out in pueblo west or somewhere outside central pueblo?

  20. #20
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristian View Post
    Non one has mentioned the crime factor! Better live out in pueblo west or somewhere outside central pueblo?

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post

    Why Pueblo has the highest per-capita homicide rate in Colorado <- CLICK (Appears there are gangs wars there)

    Last edited by The Black Knight; Mon Sep 18th, 2017 at 09:47 PM.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by asp_125 View Post
    CO-50 and 9 are usually plowed, they provide a back way into Summit County ski areas in winter. Monarch gets a shit ton of snow each season, along the lines of Mt Baker.
    Haven't been to Baker yet. Debating a season pass at Snoqualmie this year because the drive up to Stevens can be a hassle. I'm more likely to go after work with the shorter drive. I know the snow won't be as reliable, but it's still better than the Ice Coast. It only takes six full days to make a pass worthwhile, maybe ten half days, and I can do that no problem. Definitely planning to hit Baker and Crystal this year, but still haven't found a group that I'd care to go up to Whistler with.

    As for crime... I lived and worked IN Philly for five years. None of this "Oh I live in a suburb an hour north of Philly" business. The only reason Philly crime rates are lower is because the statistics cover a whole lot of suburbs where the main crime is prescription drug abuse. A couple pissant gangbangers are nothing. I don't hang out places / times they frequent and both my girlfriend and I carry.

  22. #22
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Quote Originally Posted by HalcyonSon View Post

    As for crime... I lived and worked IN Philly for five years. None of this "Oh I live in a suburb an hour north of Philly" business. The only reason Philly crime rates are lower is because the statistics cover a whole lot of suburbs where the main crime is prescription drug abuse. A couple pissant gangbangers are nothing. I don't hang out places / times they frequent and both my girlfriend and I carry.
    Wow…what a crazy way to think….all to save some money you would live in a city labeled as the highest homicide crime rate because you are used to crime and carry

    Sorry man, but guess we just differ there and not sure why you even asked if you never cared in the first place about high crime. You may think because it is not Philly that the gangsters in Pueblo must not compare, but I am sure you are going to find that incorrect; grew up in Albuquerque and I can tell you that small town gangs are not to be taken lightly; been stabbed twice and I was a good kid with a 4.0 GPA! Pueblo is small, so to think you are going to avoid all this mess seems a bit too hopeful. Bring kids into this and this is going to structure their life more than you know as I grew up in a crappy town like Pueblo and like Salsashark also said, what we grew up in is not normal and most our friends that grew up this way did not get out are not in the best poisition…the cycle continues. Look at your wife’s younger family that live there….you said yourself “lots of attitude, few jobs, and drug problems.”

    Did you even read the article I posted? It clearly stated the issue is bystanders are now being shot and killed in this gang war. It also stated that one of the issues is a reduced police force, and last they have a huge black tar heroin problem there (opiates like you said in Philly). This issue is bigger than just some “pissant” gangbangers….. Here is more proof

    Colorado ranks #2 for Opioid abuse.....Philadelphia is only at # 8...not something to be proud of, but gives you a sense vs PA.

    Anyways, just trying to help out as I would NEVER live in Pueblo and think most the people on here agreed. Seriously do yourself and family a huge favor and live in CO Springs and commute. If not, good luck man!
    Last edited by bulldog; Tue Sep 19th, 2017 at 01:49 PM.
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    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    In front of all the slow bikes.

    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    I wouldn't avoid Pueblo because of the homicide rate, the odds of getting homicided are still slim. But just because murders are stupid high, don't you think every other crime is too? The city is outrageously high in DUI, thefts, hit/runs, vandalism, literally every crime. It's a fucking shit hole.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Captain Obvious's Avatar
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    Re: Moving to Southern CO

    Agree on not wanting to live in Pueblo. Haven't been impressed with food options in COS (where I live) and Pueblo is worse. Not sure about the nightlife in Pueblo if you are younger and interested. I would think anyone moving from Seattle to Pueblo would end up going stir crazy, its a really small town.

    I really like Monarch. I also take the back roads to get to Summit county for Loveland, Breck, Keystone. I have been camping south of Pueblo more and more since the farther north you go, the more people. Lots of nice areas to fish, camp, ski etc down south.

    I moved out here with a 2x full size PU. After the first winter I traded it in for something with AWD.

    Anything on the front range would have easy access to good riding.
    The closest thing to immortality on this earth is a Federal government program - RR

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