Quote Originally Posted by madvlad View Post
I never said I didn't like women, I do but just what most women look for in a guy these days is not me bro, I'm that nice guy and there's no room for that in most womens eyes these days, they want an alpha male aka the badass and not a gentleman which they confuse with being a pussy and that's not the case at all, just cause I don't treat a girl like shit, doesn't mean I'm a pussy but again, that's how their perception on that matter works. Your guys marriage falls into that sane side of the 1% bro, it's a rarity to find that for sure and glad you're in that position. Times have changed and I'm too old school for this new school shit, just can't go with it. It's all about swinging and sharing lol, eh no sharing is not caring in this situation, like you said or it's mine or nothing at all if by any chance in hell there is that one girl out there for me then all in it's sweet time, if not I'm not bothered as I'm okay being a loner, it's been most of my life anyways, rather enjoy it most of the time actually.
Welcome to the club of MGTOW(pronounced MIG-TAO). MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way.

Basically, MGTOW is the product of the ever growing Feminist movement. Women have cried out for so long that they don't need a Man. Well now, Men are starting to give them what they ask for and go their own way.

Here's the thing. Guys don't want to get married with the divorce rate at 51% now. That means every other marriage tanks. So what happens when the marriage tanks and the divorces rolls around?? The guy gets the shaft. Judges and lawyers go after men with an insatiable appetite, then the men are left footing Alimony, child support and losing all their other stuff.

These days all a woman has to do is cry domestic abuse or assault and you can lose your home, your second amendment rights and have a mountain of legal issues against you. All for a misdemeanor. So men aren't about to move in with women.

Men are tired of getting sh*t on. Even hardcore liberal leftist women expect men to pay for everything while dating. What a minute, I though this was the age of equality. How about a woman pay for the first date for once?? How about they pick up the tab for everything? Nah, let the dumb guys do it.

I'm with you Damir, I'm an old school gentleman myself. I once believed in chivalry and all that sh*t. Not anymore. I've seen way to many friend and family get taken to the cleaners in bad divorces. That I won't get married. I don't believe in it anymore. And I sure as hell won't live with a woman. If she ain't my wife, then she sure as hell won't live in my house and try telling me how to live life.

Many of them want a meal ticket and they jump to the next better one that comes along. I'm not saying all women are this way, there are plenty out there that are in our shoes, just going about living life.

Women don't want an alpha males. Being a bad ass doesn't make an alpha male. All that makes is an asshole. In reality a true alpha male, is reserved, commands respect and respects others. Leads by example, listens to experience of others and isn't afraid to seek help in any situation. Alpha's are confident, show courage and leadership, seek extreme ownership and tend to have very dominant personalities. There are good alpha's and bad alpha's.

Just like there are good and bad Beta males and even Omega's.

Now as far as the whole swingers and swinging thing, yeah that's just creepy. I don't know why people even bother to get married if all they want to do is screw around. Just stay single and it keeps it way more simple.

I don't share sh*t, so it would come as no surprise that I won't share a woman. Even while just starting out dating, I make it known to the lady that I'll focus only on her and I expect the same courtesy in return. If I find out that she's playing the field with me, then I'll dump her in a heartbeat. I don't play games and I don't like games being played with me. My time is valuable and I hate when it gets wasted.

go look up some MGTOW stuff on YouTube and you'll get good info on the movement and some chuckles along the way with how some guys analyze stuff. MGTOW 101 is one of the better ones on YouTube to look up.