Quote Originally Posted by Mother Goose View Post
For the record, I'll tell my crash on the street story, which most of the OG CSC people know about.

My first bike was a 2001 Honda F4i and I learned how to wheelie it, and wheelie it well. I was doing a wheelie down 6th Ave. from Sheridan to Wadsworth (I'd only do it on the highway when there was no one around, and back in 2003, that was easy to find), and the rear tire started to shake back and forth. It was actually going up and down the tire ruts on the road, so I set it down and got a mean tank slapper. I couldn't stop it and I started heading towards the median and I decided to bail off the back of the bike instead of hitting the median and possibly being thrown over it into oncoming traffic and endangering other motorists. I was in the hospital for 5 days, skin graft on my left knee, road rash on my legs and stomach, jacked up my right ankle and separated some things in my right elbow, oh, and a concussion. If you're wondering, I was wearing a helmet, jeans, basketball shoes, a mesh jacket where the armor in the elbow shifted causing the elbow damage and motocross gloves.

As soon as I was able to bend my knee, I was back on a bike. I didn't have any second thoughts about it, I just did it. Some people can't live without a motorcycle and that's their life, I'm one of those people, so I didn't let an accident keep me from it. Both of our accidents were our own faults from the sound of it. Mine was, I was riding like an idiot and I deserved what happened to me. Yours was you lost concentration on what YOU needed to do in the situation. Instead of staring back at the other rider, you should have kept focus on where you were going what your motorcycle was doing. I know I learned from my mistake, will you?
I remember

Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
WTF, MotherGoose is a dude?! Learn something new everyday.
... and when people thought Bertha was a chick... lmao!! Dick pics for errrryone!!