Quote Originally Posted by willc86 View Post
I am actually 32....seems it just gets worse as I age as well. As far as growing up, not much else I can grow up in; I have a career, married, mortgage, etc. Its just anger that builds up from people being selfless pricks, and it is just something I can not control; believe me, I tried. Riding my bike seems to help quite a bit since it clears my head and thoughts. Could be just straight up I have anger issues and need to perhaps go to some classes.
What I meant by growing up and inquiring about your age. Is that you might still need to mature mentally. Sure you have a career, are married with house and all the other stuff. But if you can't control your anger, then you can't control yourself. Thus meaning, you have no self control. Which could mean if you lose your temper at the wrong time, do something you regret, you may end up losing all of those nice things you have in your life. You don't want that.

If it's getting worse with age, then yes I'd recommend you might need to seek a professional to speak with. It could stem from an underlying problem or suppressed emotions from childhood, etc.

So at 32 I would imagine you've figured it out by now that people(especially when it comes to driving) can be dicks. And there is just no changing them. People are rapacious and care only of themselves. It's never more evident than while driving, for some people they are the only one's on the road.

Sure riding the bike helps but you still need to figure out what's going on inside so you can control it.