I have been incorporating it into my riding when I do ride. Which won't be until April

, cause I don't do cold weather.
I will say this much, I get the concept behind the law and yes it does allow for motorcyclist to avoid rear-end collisions and filter to the front to avoid traffic congestion. You can get to the front of the pack and scythe your way to work or home. It really does cut down on time traveled.
It sure does piss people off. I've gotten more dirty looks, people trying to race me and people mouthing off or shaking fists as they go by. The funny thing is, I filter as the law is written. I don't speed down between traffic lanes, and I keep my speed around 15-20mph in order to get to the front promptly. There have been times where I don't make it to the front fast enough, and have to just merge into someone's lane. It is, what it is.
I would only lane filter on a Sportbike, Supermotard, Adventure bike(that doesn't have hilariously large saddle bags on it). What I wouldn't filter with are; Harley's(unless it's a Sportster or something stripped down), any metric cruiser that has all the BS on the sides, Gold Wings, etc. Unfortunately, for those bikers that are too large, stay in your lane.
The other problem I have is with all the squids and townies. They think this new law gives them carte blanche to do whatever the hell they feel like. They scream down between lanes. Pass everyone on shoulders at high rates of speed to get to the front. The Squidies have such entitlement and you can see it with the way they ride. They have missed the whole concept of the new law. Which is inevitable, give them an inch and stupid people always take you a mile.
And I believe those of us who are doing our best to practice filtering within the confines of the new law, tend to draw the ire of other motorist because they see little Johnny or Janie rotten crotch scream between vehicles to get to the front. And the public thinks we all are the same.
And one more thing, this is for all you Squids and Townies with those stupid dumbass bunny ears, or masks that go over your helmets. Take that f**kin shit off, it looks stupid and it makes you people look like buffoons. We have a bad enough time with our public image without you snot nosed runts making it worse.
Man I love getting old...