Okay, by now, most of you (registered members) should have received the email with all the details, but in case you haven't, here they are:

  • The parade takes place on Saturday March 13th. Our staging time is 8:30 AM (parade starts at 10AM).

    This year, the parade comittee has significantly restructured their entry fees, and even though we have received some sponsorship from both TK motorsports and TFOG wheelsports, each participant will be required to pay an entry fee ($10 rider / $5 passenger). The good news is, that each participant receives a commorative t-shirt, that we'd like them to wear during the parade.

    Because the parade is less than 2 weeks away and t-shirts have to be ordered, all entries must be received by Noon on Wednesday March 3rd.

    We are limited to a maximum of 30 bikes, so this will be done on a sign-up basis. Send an email to CoSportbikeClub@hotmail.com (or reply to this thread) only if you are serious about participating. Be sure to mention what size t-shirt you want, and if you will be bringing a passenger, what size t-shirt for them.

    Complete details will be distributed by email to registered participants.

    Participants must carry proof of insurance - parade marshals may be asking for it. If you trailer your bike to the parade, there will be parking in the staging area for your truck.

    If you can't ride in the parade, make sure to join us for post-parade festivities at Breckenridge Brewery, 2220 Blake St., Denver (Northeast corner from Coor's Field).

    Edit: The $10 entry fee is non-refundable, even if the weather is horrible - most of that money is going towards the t-shirts, which you will receive regardless if you actually ride in the parade or not.

I know a few of you already asked to be included on this, and I will add you to the list if you've done so in the past 2 weeks. I'll be updating the first post with the official list.