Well at the end of my first full season on the streets, I've only had two serious incidents (and countless pucker moments). Neither of my serious incidents resulted in a wreck, but both involved my back brake locking up in a panic stop. The latter happened today, left lane was jammed up and some brilliant cager decided to pull his F350 into the right lane completely oblivious to my motorcycle which was doing 40ish. I did a full brake (and I have practiced these) but it seems whenever I freak out I clench the tank with my legs (pucker) and this results in my right foot pushing down way harder than I had intended. Result is I fish-tailed the rear out all the way 50 feetish to the traffic light which turned yellow as the F350 was passing through, and came to a complete stop luckily unharmed as I remembered not to let the rear brake back out once it was locked. From now on I'm not going to use the rear-brake at all anymore, it's way too easy to lock up and the stopping power it has seems minimal. My first incident was a near highside for this same exact reason and I actually flew out of my seat that time. Thoughts?