Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn have been reincarnated. Two young adventure bound men set out on a journey that changed themselves and the world. This film is as about as honest to God as you can get~~truly poignant. Based upon the true story of two Argentinians who seek to find the truth in themselves and world.

"Let the world change you,
and you can change the world."

Piece by piece these men are broken down and rebuilt. It is about the understanding of the spirit that makes up the universal identity of the search for an emotional coming of age.

For any of you that have thought of taking that "ultimate" trip. But for some reason have held back from your dream, you might wish to share some of your spirit with Che and Granado. Then again, it may inspire you to go get on that Norton 500 and ride into the sunset.

Perhaps, someday, we will call your name in the spirit of revolution.