Yep, that's right...

R2SL is having a party right at Second Creek on Friday afternoon to celebrate our last lap of the endurance event and have a good time! We're gonna have BBQ, live music, and a screening of FASTER!

Here are the details:

WHERE: Second Creek Raceway, 88th and Buckley
WHEN: Starts at 5pm, goes til ??
WHY: Racing 2 Save Lives wants everyone to come out and help us celebrate a successful event!

There is a minimum $5 donation at the gate, which of course will go towards the five children's charities we're benefitting. If you can contribute more, it's definitely welcome! Also, if you come out to race or volunteer with us during the endurance race June 21-25, you get in free!

Bring your family and friends, it's gonna be a blast!

Here's a PDF party invite as well, in case you'd like to print it out and give it to your friends: