We have been to most of the MX tracks around town. I am very confident in the boy's riding capabilities. Time to step it up.
In the end of June I had a crash and broke my thumb. I did this at Rampart range. I was checking it out without the boys and rode too fast on a trail that was too much for me.
Last week we rode at IMI so I could get a feel for how my thumb and hand would feel riding. It hurt.
This weekend being Labor Day weekend, and being the unofficial end to summer, I had to live up to my promise to myself and the boys to do a trail ride before the end of the summer.
We headed up to Rampart. I figured it would not be as crowded being the end of the weekend. It was nearly empty, everyone was packing up and leaving. We stuck to a trail that was labeled easy, and stayed near the main road so we would not get lost. I was prepared and did have my GPS with us just incase.
At first my boys were having trouble. But soon caught on and rode like they have done this before. We kept going back and forth on the same trail, each time going further. The last run we did, we went back at least 6 miles. I was getting worried about gas in the little bike, so we turned around. But before we did, we checked the map to see where we were. We only had only covered a third of the trail length!
The boys (and me) learned a lot about trail riding. But we still have lots to learn.
I now realize what all the hype is about trail riding. It is beautiful up there! We're hooked. So much so that we are doing the Rampart Range Poker Run.