OK, guys and girls...this may seem an like an inane question, but...here it goes;

I bought my 1999 R1 over the summer of 2002. My previous ride of comparable displacement was a late 80's GSXR1100, which I rode at sea-level. Yes, I'm one of those dreaded SoCal transplants everyone bitches about. I had never owned a "modern superbike" until this purchase.

Although impressed with the power of the "R," I knew this thing would pull harder in lower elevation and chalked up any "assumed" loss of power to the altitude.

I was riding the R1 on Sunday. I had an open road with no traffic in sight...I cracked open the throttle. I noticed a sudden loss of power around 8K RPM, the motor coughed, for lack of a better adjective, and immediately regained power...a friggin' motherlode of power

The bike runs like it is reborn. I went home and pulled the plugs. They are a normal gray color and don't show signs of being run too lean, nor too rich.

My questions are these:
Should I assume there was a clogged jet and now everything is as it should have been?
Could this be indicative of a problem that needs attention or further examination?
Should I just smile and be happy that the motorcycle God slapped this thing on the ass and brought it to life?

Again, thanks for any feedback, suggestions, advice, and insight. Many of you have volumes more experience than me, so your help is appreciated.