Here is the list of participants as it currently stands. If your name is on this list and you can't make it, please let me know ASAP, ''cuz we still have a few people on a waiting list. Thanks.

1. Spiderman
2. rforsythe
3. gixxerjarhead
4. Dyscofool
5. MileHighGSXR
6. hoopty
7. surfinspacegirl
8. Chris Coston
9. Barn
10. DrEvilR1
11. Marcus Doyle
12. David Campbell
13. Larry Cadwell
14. Floyd Wilcox
15. S56GSXR1000
16. *B*
17. Paul Bruns
18. Brandon Harper
19. IQ
20. Monica
21. Andrew
22. Joe
23. Jason Menzor
24. Wil929
25. Paul Anderson
26. Ken Perron
27. Cheyni Webster
28. Tim Takala
29. Barbara
30. Jim Vance