I guess it has been described before, but what is the current purpose of the regional groups?

With the social section, get-togethers are posted.
In the Shop experiences section, all shops are discussed. Since it is easy to go from Pueblo to Denver, it should be a combined section for everyone to easily see. Most of us will travel when they want to find the best shop for what they are getting done.
Most of the posts in the regional sections are social type events, so only cause the moderators to have to combine and move threads around.

The regional description also indicates get local help, but really, who hasn't driven over an hour to pick up a buddy whose bike has broken down? And if someone is stuck in the mountains, should they post in the mountains section to fin close help or the Pueblo section since that is where they are from? (in my example)

Overall, I like the site, but it really seems that we have to many sections. If we were to stream line the forum sections, it would make it easier to find new posts and enable us to see posts we might miss.