I'm pleased to announce that Breckenridge Brewery (the same place our MRA monthly general meetings are now held) is continuing their support of Team Skinny Racing for the 2005 season! So what does this mean for you?

If you remember last season, we had beer. A lot of it. Ice cold and FREE every race day!

We're bringing back the FREE BEER for the 2005 season. Just swing by the Team Skinny Racing / Skinny Motorsports pit at the end of any race day and get some FREE BEER of your very own! I'm also told we will have a greater variety this season, along with the Avalanche and Hefe Proper we had in stock last year. I'm not sure what the new beers will be, but Breck should be giving us several varieties to hand out.

We'll also be arranging another "Feed the MRA Day" just like we did last season (remember those tasty brats and turkey legs?), with more details to follow once I have them.

Free beer, free food ... Team Skinny hooks you up!

- Ralph
#321, TM, MRA Beer Pimp