I went out for the walking tour of HPR this morning, and all I can say is WOW! Pavement is down, and the layout looks like a total blast. 2.5 miles of twisty, technical asphalt, with a couple of serious gut check sections. Blind crests, huge elevation changes, long straights, wild combo corners, it's got it all. I strongly suggest if you haven't donated yet, it's time to get off the fence. There's already enough funds for a basic, primitive racetrack, but a little more would go a LONG way towards a few amenities. If you were one of the ones that said "I'll give when I actually see a racetrack", it's time for you to get off the fence and get behind this. I know I'll be donating more as time and funds allow.

Note: If you wanna get a look at the new track, go to the HPR website to arrange for a tour or get a video of an ACTUAL LAP