Okay... since the 1st suite sold out in like 168 hours, I was wondering if there is any interest in possibly getting a second suite.

I'd totally be down with setting up another one. The details and pricing would be exactly the same as the first suite.

All 50 tickets would have to sell of course. That being said, if the money isn't collected in it's entirety in time, I would certainly refund everybody their cash, so there is no risk of lossing out on any dough.

I think my only stipulation on this particular suite would be only accepting full payments to be considered "In".

I don't think taking deposits would lend itself well to collecting all the required cash in the necessary time.

Send payments and make checks payable to...

Brandon Muniz
140 N 12th Ave
Brighton, CO 80601

Currently, there are 0 spots available.

1. -Puck- (Parking pass 2 of 10)
2. Sparker (Parking pass 3 of 10)
3. OldKneeDragger (Parking pass 1 of 10)
4. OldKneeDragger
5. OldKneeDragger
6. FZRguy (Parking pass 6 of 10)
7. Dane Huish
8. Bertha
9. Sparker #2
10. Jenny
11. boriqua_n_co (Parking pass 4 of 10)
12. boriqua_n_co
13. Desmo (Parking pass 5 of 10)
14. BlueStreak
15. BlueStreak
16. Notto
17. Notto
18. Lady T (Parking pass 7 of 10)
19. Lady T
20. Lady T
21. Dave Arlt
22. Road Dog (Parking pass 8 of 10)
23. MileHighJimmer
24. Nick_Ninja
25. Nick_Ninja
26. Dan Lang
27. Mindy Lang
28. willyg
29. Steve Tasca
30. John David
31. Gabrielle Cordero
32. Haywood's Bro.
33. Haywood's Bro's girl
34. Sparker #3
35. Chase
36. Chase
37. PiercedTL
38. Kendall Briscoe (Parking pass 10 of 10)
39. Kendall Briscoe
40. Scribbler (Parking pass 9 of 10)
41. Doron
42. Katie
43. Jimmer #2
44. Jimmer #3
45. Jimmer #4
46. Jimmer #5
47. Jimmer #6
48. Jimmer #7
49. Jimmer #8
50. Jimmer #9