Quote Originally Posted by ghost-whiner View Post
After getting the "news" after a 9 year long marriage of "happiness" with 2 beautiful kids, Ive jumbled a few cathartic reminders to help me get through the day

1. I allow myself a healthy level of Tourettes ... *BITCH*... excuse me
2. I allow myself to be a little more schizophrenic... ie... the other voice stops me from doing the stupid stuff "Do you really think draping her lingerie across her car while on fire would send the right message?" "No I guess not"... kicks absent pebble
3. Remember that Sam Kinison still has valuable nuggets of wisdom
4. And every day is a day to look forward to something better than looking back at something you had no control over...
5. Guilt is a wasted emotion ... but Anger.... ie...
6. When everyone says "Hey you got crapped on..." its ok the remember you deserve better.
7. Realize that lessons will be learned in time... they always do

and I also came across the 180 steps... which really have been helping me a lot through this (not all of it mind you)... but obviously its not for everyone situation.
Nice steps, even though as far as i know there was no one else, they are still very good read and of course while I dont have paperwork of a devoice, 6yrs is still awhile to me....I have tried to be very neutral, despite one big break down at one point from me, I didnt yell or argue just spilled my guts while she just sat and stared...and she didnt say much other than "I've never seen you like this"

One part of me would really like to say "Do you realize what you are doing?" "If you really wanted out couldnt we've picked a better way?" "Couldnt we've talked a bit before this?" "As much as this was our relationship there are waves going out effecting others..."

Oh well I digress to still trying to keep it together, trying to be productive at work so i dont get let go and trying to keep my personal business running.

I joke and say my last 6 year investment has failed just like everyone elses investments.....just wish i would get a magic bailout