Cool! So I post my feelings about the ride on Saturday and I get threats. Threats that your going to offer me a razor blade and salt to wipe my vagina if I have to pee on the side of the road (Devils Tonic and GizzerCarrie).And that you better never see my emo ass on another ride. That's great. Very nice. Mature. So people my advice to you is to not voice your opinion on this forum because you will become the enemy if you don't agree with the majorities thoughts. Just say yep great ride and you'll be everyones best friend. I just thought I should share these threats with everyone. Don't worry you won't see my emo ass on anymore group rides cause I don't feel welcome. Thanks for that. Oh and you won't see me on the CSC Site anymore because I don't feel welcome. So again thanks for nothin. Oh and I wished I would have just kept my mouth shut. Apologies again to all I offended.