Im sick and tired of the lack of courtesy in this goddamn town... Today started off by picking my grandmother up from the hospital, got her home safe and sound and on my way to wallyworld to pick up her prescriptions, this jackass comes down the hill behind me pretty fast, and as soon as i see the son of a bitch go sideways, i change lanes and speed up a bit to GTFO.... luckily (or unluckily as the case is) the walmart entrance was close and this fucker was still doing 360's down 8th st, so i dipped in hitting the curb. I stopped to assess the damages and it took a nice chunk outta the wheel.... As i started to walk toward the car that caused this little mess, he looked at me coming and took the fuck off... i didnt get a license plate cuz it was covered in snow and i could care less about the wheel cuz im shopping around for new ones anyhow, but what the fuck? luckily discount was right there and they took care of me.

then i go pick my chick up from work and as i round the corner in the parking lot i see these 2 kids shadowboxing in the middle of the road and one of them sees me coming and motions for the other to get outta the way... this one looks me dead in my eye and says "I dont give a fuck" and continues to mad dog me as i pass, so i roll my back window down and ask him if he has something to say to me. He says "Uhhh.... YEAH you need to slow down!" Well i was JUST telling my chick about the douche that left me holding a chunk of my rim so i slammed on the brakes, got out and got in his face and asked him what he had to say, of course he said absolutely nothing and as i walked away to get back into the car he told me, "Your ass is going right to jail!" so i turned around and he starts spouting off that he is 17 and whatnot, and I can talk shit to his dad instead. So i called him on it, his dad was in the store so i followed him to the store, stuck my head in and asked who owned this kid, the guy comes out, obviously pissed off at what his kid has gotten him into and of course the kid starts telling the dad that i got out and started yelling at him for no reason, and then the mom gets into it of course taking her little babies side...... I finally told the dad to get the fuck back in the store and to keep better eye at who his kid is running his mouth to, which he said fine and i started walking away and then he started to run his mouth again so i turned around and said "Now i know where your fucking kid gets it from, get the fuck back in the store and shut the fuck up." At this point my face is probably red, my fists are probably balled up and its obvious that im about to go the fuck off, and he thought better of what he had to say and went inside and i left.

Im sick of people in this town not signaling when they change lanes, turn or whatever the fuck else you are supposed to signal for..... im sick of people tailgating me in the goddamn construction zones because i go the speed limit. im sick of people looking me dead in the eye, and then pulling in front of me as i go down academy as they think their fucking minivan can accelerate to 50mph in the 100ft she gave herself, and then when i change lanes and lay on the horn (for those that dont speak horn, allow me to translate. its saying "You are a goddamn moron, please go back to driving school and ask for a re-test!") i get no "I'm sorry" wave, no acknowledgment that i almost made her minivan a compact car, and luckily was watching enough for the both of us and took actions needed to avoid a collision.....

Anyone else feel like this sometimes? i think these oblivious sons of bitches need a wakeup call from time to time..... unfortunately handing out eye jammies on a daily basis is illegal, but i was like 2 steps away from crossing that line today....

Anyways, rant over...... this is what i felt like today....