Not sure what this is all about, but has all the warning signs of a scam.

Got this email last night about the PS2 and XBOX I'm selling:

Nice hearing back from you, i want you to know that i am so serious in buying your craigslist item , But i will not be able to come for the pickup ,I will be glad if you can be so nice to help me ship it down to my daughter for a Birth Day Gift , So i am ready to pay you $300 USD for the item cost including the shipping cost , and i will prefer paying you via paypal , cos it is very fast and secure ,so do get back to me with your paypal email for the instant payment or you sign up for a paypal personal account .. Thanks.
I got another very similar email right at the same time. Not sure what the scam is, but they want my paypal address. I'm assuming to try and crack the password and use it.

Anyway, just another fuggin scam to watch out for.