I headed out this morning for work. My commute involves making a left hand turn onto a very busy street. This morning as I approached the intersection I noticed the light was green and it's a short light so I sped up hoping to make the light. As I approached the instersection the light turned yellow, I hit the throttle and told myself I'm going to make this light...

I don't know what happened, but the instant I hit that throttle something inside me said to get off the throttle, "this is how bad accidents happen," I told myself. I released the throttle and slowed to a stop at the light.

As soon as my bike came to a stop an SUV came blazing through the intersection at 50+ MPH. If I had not stopped that SUV would have hit me and I would have most likely been crushed to death on impact.

NEVER try to make the light on a bike. That minute or two you spend sitting at the light could be the difference between life and death.