I woke up this morning and decided that I'd rather spend the day on the VFR rather than in the office. I picked a route that was relaxed and would let me see some parts of the state I hadn't seen before. This was it, about 450 miles:

The part into the Pike National Forest was county road 77 (turn off 285 at Jefferson). It had some beautiful scenery but about halfway between Jefferson and Lake George the road was a bit rough for a few miles with significant stretches of gravel and mud. The VFR did ok but a tard would eat that road up.

From Lake George I took 24 over to Buena Vista and up to Leadville. I originally thought about doing Independence Pass but the clouds were building so I pressed on up 24. From Leadville I took 91 toward Copper Mountain. That was a nice road. A 911 and I enjoyed it throughly.

After a short bit on I-70, I got on 9 at Silverthorne and headed towards Kremmling.

From Kremmling I took 40 toward Granby. I hit a little bit of rain but nothing bad.

It was a great way to spend the day.
