I'm looking to see if anybody would be interested in a overniter to this area for some DS riding.
The area is known as the Alpine Loop and a few adventurist types from here went last year with the ADVRiders for thier Westfest gathering.
I would not have to try hard to rustle up half a dozen or so from the southern contingent to go take in a bit of site seeing in that area.
Most of the "roads" are two track jeep type and are moderate in diffilculty.
Hell ,my wife might even come and do a bit of easy stuff. I have been known to put her on the back of the NX when she pulls out her princess tiara when she stops and says enough.
Cut out friday after work, set up a great campsite we found just outside Lake City, and go have some fun. Fuel should be the biggest expense.
Hell, we could send the girls in the trucks and ride out if you have a streetable DS unit.
This is just one picture of many that I took from last year.
Let me know, and we can get something organized.