Ok seriously, did someone open the flood gates of all the dipshit riders in this town or what the hell is going on? Everyday that i go riding around i see several upon several guys on their bikes riding like complete idiot squids. Riding people asses like 2 ft off their bumpers, flying up on cars asses cause they are going to hit the turning lane (what you gonna do if the car decides thats their turn but your dumbass is flying too fast to stop in time or for them to see you), weaving packed traffic (dont get me wrong i have done this too, but i have seen some really sketchy stuff goin on.

I guess my reason for this is i often wondered why we have so much hate for sportbike riders, givin i dont ever ride stupid like this is why i wondered.. But after driving around foco for awhile and seeing all of this happen im starting to get the picture because i am starting to get some hate as well.. this is stupid as hell..

I mean givin the throttle a good open up every now and then is fun and all, but flying 95 down college in heavy traffic is just begging for your ass to get hurt or even killed. I know these people cannot be this stupid.

I hope none of you on this forum are any of the people that i am talking about cause i try not to associate myself with riders like this. If you wanna fly around like this and lean your bikes around street curves and intersections then get your ass out to a track and do it, quit being a retard.

Gives a whole new meaning to "Its not IF a rider goes down, Its WHEN they will go down"

Sorry i had to vent cause its just plain stupid up here,,

A GIANT!!!! to the people above