Hey guy's just a question I am sure their has to be someone out their that has already done this. I am flying out tomorrow and will be meeting Bash in Yuma and getting on the back of the CBR (please pray for me) and going into Mexico for a few day's on the beach.......DONDE ES TEQUILA !!!! Anyways has anyone ever had any trouble taking their helmet on board as opposed to checking it???? I just read through their rules and reg's (about as interesting as my third year finance textbook) and I didn't see anything about it at all. Will they consider this a weapon. It is in a helmet bag and I am basically using it as my personnel carry one along with my back pack. An advice or experience would be helpful kids

Also you all may want to pray for the poor sole that will be sitting next to me as Krissy is not a good flyer AT ALL. I have a little claustrophobic issue and this is the first time I will be flying without what the Rolling Stones dubbed the Shelter of Mothers little helper . Now you see why Bash chooses to ride and pick me up LOL. No worries as tomorrow morning if you are awaken at 7:15 to a blood curdling scream it is only me flying west.