Soo... here is the story i was on base on my bike. I was making a right turn from Khe Sanh on to Specker heading north. There was a MP chilling about 300 meter north on the west side of the road facing east. So i stop and put my left foot down, then take the corner. After i pass her she pulls me over and gives me a road side interrogation. she asked me do i know how fast i was going, have i been drinking ( mind you its like 5 in the afternoon), where i am going in such a hurry and even had her holster unclipped. But i play it cool answer respectfully. Then she comes back and tells me im getting a citation for failing to make a 2 legged stop and writes me a 4pt. ticket for failing to stop at a posted stop sign.

I want to take this to court so i don't pay and wait for the court date to come in the mail and wait and wait and wait some more...When i go to get a decal for my car the guy specialist says "ohh so you got a ticket, huh?" So now i'm worried thinking something is up. I call the central violations bureau and ask if i missed my court date, because i never received the notice. well... They tell me they never received a ticket from the MP. I then wait some more now its over 14 months have passed since i got the ticket and still no court date. The just checked with the CVB, CVB lady told me to don't worry about it.

What do you all think i should do?