I recently got this e-mail from a friend of mine and thought that I should share it with you. Keep in mind all I said was "cops are like bears...If I can run faster that you I wan't get caught."

Hanging around with you and even listening to you is a VERY BAD .. thing for me. ;-)))

I had exciting day today . Coming down Wilkerson, I passed a State Trooper as I was passing a BMW car that I chased down ... we both went by the trooper at 120+ ... but I was in the lead and just took f ---ing off. About 5 miles after the trooper, I hit the first paved road to the left ( 11 Mile Lake ) and pulled 130+ on that puppy for about 8 mi. Then Left onto gravel ... 90+ there for about 8 miles .. but slowed to as little as 30mph for the tightest turn..( kept telling myself not to overdrive the corners ) .. hit the pavement again at 120+ ...to Hartsel .. got home .. no cops.

Never did see the flashing lights .. figured he pulled over the BMW .... he he ... ;-)) I mean what does a trooper do on Labor Day week-end but write tickets. I am sure he didn't pass up the opportunity, glad it wasn't ME. I am switching to the the Honda Cruiser for awhile... less HP and therefore ride it a bit more reasonably. That Kaw ZRX just feel soooooo good WFO .... makes me grin just to think about it.

At 69 y.o. I probably shouldn't be doing this shit. ;-))) Right ????? Listening to you about taking off .. and also watching me get the ticket the last time I was screwing with somebody ... made up my mind to just wing it. Until I see him turn on the flashing lights ... he ain't back there. Seems logical to me.

Every day in the saddle you learn a little something new.

ONWARD .. to the next adventure.

Jim K