Welp...it's been an amazing season with great rides and great company...even one very long solo ride. But, what a fun way to live life, eh?

So, since the thread disappeared, I thought I'd try and recap the rides with a photo and distance count...although I may not remember the numbers correctly.

Trail Ridge in June. Somewhere around 250 miles round-trip. The shortest of the rides.

Gore Pass and 10th Mtn Division Memorial Hwy in mid-June. Somewhere around 400 miles...

Started out as a large group ride to Aspen, then the group dwindled down to 3 bikes in mid-July. Somewhere around 450 miles round-trip...

Cameron Pass, Walden, hwy125 in July. Had to cut this one short because of rain. Somewhere around 400 miles round trip...

Solo in the end of July down to the North Rim of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. About 545 miles round-trip...

20-mile road way out West past Steamboat. This was at the beginning of September and around 450 miles round-trip...

September 18 fall colors ride at about 350 miles round trip...

So, I'm a nutball, but a lovable nutball. I wanted to try to get up to the Maroon Bells West of Aspen this weekend, but we were stopped at the entrance...some sort of road bike event or something. Rode for about 400 miles round-trip on Sunday, the 25th...

Gonna take advantage of the good weather as much as possible. Winter will soon be here.

Thanks to everyone who joined me these past few months. I thoroughly enjoyed myself...loved the scenery and the company.