I need some help! ABATE is planning a Statewide Tour for 2011, as a fundraiser. We are looking for "stops".

A little info about the Tour: The Tour is open to any and all. Of course we'd love to see motorcyclists complete the Tour on their bikes, but that is not a requirement. Participants will purchase passport books from ABATE of Colorado for $15 with a chance of winning cash and other prizes. Books will go on sale December 31, 2010. The amount of cash prizes will be determined by how many paid sponsors we have, but we are looking at top cash prize being around $1000. They will be required to obtain either a picture of themselves with the designated stop/ establishment’s sign (with passport in hand) or a time & date stamped receipt for purchases at that stop. Winners will be determined by how many stops along the Tour they actually completed. If we have 5 people that completed the entire Tour, we will draw names to determine the winner. There will be different levels of winners coinciding with how many stops have been completed. Participants will have a full year to complete the Tour with prizes being awarded December 31, 2011. We are still working the finishing details, but this is the gist of how it will work.

I need to know some places that you all like to stop when you go riding. Stops can be anything from a State Park/National Monument to a coffee shop and everything in between.
We want a variety of stops and locations all over the state.

Also, if you know of any businesses that might have interest in sponsoring the Tour, please PM me for more info. Sponsors will receive a business card size ad in the passport book, have a listing in the general stops, and of course be a designated stop. We are asking $50 from the business to be a sponsor. The MRA has signed on as a sponsor.

I'd appreciate any help you can lend me. We'd like to have the stops decided by December 1, 2010 so that we have time to print the passport books.
