Here's the deal with my bike..... I bought it wrecked through auction (a. I'll never do that again, and b. hindsight is a bitch) and for the most part it was just cosmetic damage that's been taken care of, but I seem to be having recurring issues....

After I picked it up (super long story that isn't over so I won't get into that), I discovered that I had to put some work into it, so the following is a list of things that I did:

Had to get new pegs.... not really sure what happened to the pegs that were on there.

New battery because there wasn't one at all.... not really sure what happened to the battery that was in it (and I had to buy the bike that has extremely expensive batteries)

New seat because the seat that was sitting on it was actually a seat from a GSXR (I still have it if someone needs one)

Brake pedal (goes along with the peg issue... WTF?!?!?)

Then after all that was said and done (thank you Albert for the use of your tools) it wouldn't start. So, Al came over and it was determined that the gas lines weren't hooked up. Kevin thought maybe they weren't hooked up right because "he didn't do them". So we hooked those up... no go. At this point, because of noises it was making, Al thought it might be the starter. Whatever, I'm not mechanically inclined at all so this news didn't mean a whole lot to me (other than $$$). Then, out of sheer frustration I finally called my dad in to help because I was on my last straw. Dad tore it apart and couldn't figure it out either. He was pissed enough to take it down the street to Fay Myers. The good folks at Fay determined that the gas lines weren't hooked up right... .... and in Al's defense, it wasn't our hooking them up that wasn't right if that's possible. So, they had to clean out the entire engine and change the oil, blah blah blah. It would start fine after that, but not hold a charge. So, they did their little test and decided that it was the "regulator rectifier" (which honestly sounds like a Back to the Future type part to me) and dad gave them the go ahead to fix it. So, it gets fixed and we go and pick it up. Dad rides it around the parking lot, I get a VIN verification done, we bring her home.

I rode her around and she's lovely, worked fine and what have you. Part of the reason I couldn't ride it very far was because it isn't registered. It has a license plate on it, but lord only knows who's bike it belongs to. I'm guessing it was a plate that was put on there so it could be tested out but then again, there is no rhyme or reason to the things that happened with this bike from day 1. At any rate, I didn't feel like getting pulled over with this mysterious license plate. I still don't have it registered, but that's not my point.

It started getting cold and I kind of stopped riding because I had gotten busy at work, and honestly didn't feel inclined to ride in 30 degree weather. So, it wasn't till a couple of weeks ago that I discovered that it wouldn't start. I thought maybe the battery had run down which made me kick myself in the ass, but it wasn't something that was gonna end my world. Al dropped off his battery charger and took the seat off for me because I don't have any tools. I go the next day to take the battery out and whoever bolted it down at Fay is the twin of He-Man because I couldn't get it out. I kind of put it off till last week and then I try with the jumper cables. It'll start up with the jumper cables on it and run just fine, but the moment you take the cables off, it shuts off. When I say shuts off, I mean, there is no juice flowing through that thing. No lights, no gauges, nothing (and this is how it is before the jumper cables too). So, I don't know if it's the battery, perhaps it wasn't fixed right (but then why would it run for me before but not now), or lord only knows..... and that's where I stand with the bike.

Any ideas... Bueller Bueller