So with the ipad 2 out, there are some deals to be found on the 1's.

I'm kicking around the idea for an ultra-mobile machine that will fit in the bike luggage and while traveling for work (my work does not allow laptops, so no company issued machine for me). I keep going back and forth about picking up a small laptop like a macbook air or a similar PC machine. However, I'm not to keen on spending that much coin when I already have a machine at home that does everything I need.

Basically for work, I need internet access to get to web outlook and time card stuff.

For fun, I need my usual interwebz haunts as well as a place to upload and store photos so I can get them off the camera while traveling. I know that you can buy an adapter that allows for USB access to cameras, but I'm curious about photo apps.

Hey... if I can stream MotoGP races, even better...

So my question...
Ease of use for enterprise access?

Know of any photo apps that work for minor image manipulation and storage?