Alrighty, here is the deal - I am providing trackside support at the CSC Track School as some of you know. What you may not realize is I also have a fairly new motorcycle/racing-oriented business called Skinny Motorsports, which means I can also sell product at the track to help you guys out.

Regarding the coolant issue, you should all know by now that there will not be coolant allowed on the track, and this especially applies to you street riders. I believe there may be a cursory tech inspection, and you don't want to be "that guy" who glycol's the track. I will be providing free coolant flush services at the track (probably with Canuck's help, and anyone else who can lend a hand) to remove coolant and replace it with plain old water. While this will be functional and won't hurt anything, I will have some alternatives available for those that want it.

I will for sure have:

- PREMIXED Water Wetter and distilled dater, available by the gallon. I am willing to drain/flush your cooling systems for free as part of the service, to ensure you do not have antifreeze in them. I can't just give out Water Wetter, but I will sell it premixed in the right quantity with distilled water, in one gallon quantities. Probably around the $5/gal mark (when you include a free coolant flushing as part of the deal, this isn't bad!). Of course you're welcome to just have your system flushed, which I will still do for free, but you will get tap water put back in since that's all I can get that doesn't cost me money.

- Water Wetter by the bottle. I will sell this for $8 (I think it's $10-12 at some other shops around town) per 12oz bottle. However I won't be selling distilled water, so you'll have to supply your own or mix it with tap water if you go this route.

- I can do oil changes at the track while you wait. To get in on this, you will need to tell me IN ADVANCE what kind of bike you have so I can get you the right filter. I can get you AMSOIL, Motul, Motorex, and Red Line oil products. I will require prepayment on this stuff, so if you think you'll want this please let me know ASAP and I will PM payment instructions to you. My hope is that I can get enough people in on this to buy in bulk and bring the cost down. I will need to know and have payment by Wed August 10th for this one.

- Oil Analysis. This will also require pre-payment, but for right around $25 I will take a sample of your oil and FedEx it to an independent laboratory for analysis. This will tell you some important details, in particular how well your oil is holding up, particulate count, and whether you have any substances (including various types of metals and other chemicals) in there which would signal a problem. Again, I'll need payment by Aug 10th. Definitely recommended for hard-ridden bikes. I'm going to stock up on analysis kits for subsequent race weekends and will have it available outside of the Track Day, but I need to know how many people would want this before I order anything for the CSC event.

BASIC suspension settings. I won't tune your ride (you don't want me to, at least not yet) but we can do basic stuff like setting Sag (preload) and doing some basic adjustments here and there. Bring a friend or two over for Sag adjustments, and show up dressed to ride! (Gotta get the weight right.)

If you guys want any other fluids (cleaners, brake fluid, pretty much whatever) or random aftermarket parts, please tell me now. If I can order all of this at once I can save a lot of money on shipping, which means you'll ultimately pay less money. I can also get OEM parts for the Jap bikes if you're needing something, or will by then.

Our intention is to handle the wrenching for you if you need the help, so that you can concentrate on riding and having a good time. There will be a few times during the day when I intend to go play on the track, however we'll generally be available to help you out with ... whatever.