Building up to the ride, all was going well. Hit the service interval right, had fairly fresh tires, blah, blah, blah. Got out of Colorado Springs right on time Thursday afternoon, 3 pm sharp. Plan was to take a nice liesurely ride up to Canada over the next day and a half. Ah, what the hell, maybe even hit Beartooth Pass along the way.

Had dinner Thursday night at the El Conquistador in Laramie. Place hasn't changed in the 15 years I've been going there. Still the best stuffed sopapillas in Wyoming...

Made our way up thru Casper and headed west and north towards Thermopolis. Crashed for the night (not literally) in the canyon just south of Therm. Shortly AFTER setting up camp, a diesel truck pulled into a pulloff not more than 50 yards away. Made for some nice white noise,, ALL NIGHT LONG.

Got up, somewhat groggy on Friday morning and starting to feel psyched about getting on the road for a nice long ironbutt ride. Still gotta get to the Canada border for the start. Hmmm... weather's nice, maybe still hit Beartooth Pass along the way...

Pulled north out of Thermopolis after breakfast, ran up to Cody, WY, and found a road that connects over to the Beartooth Pass Road. Some little road on the map called Chief Joseph Scenic Highway...

Up until this point, the ride had been pretty much just highway droning. But the senses started to come alive on Chief Joseph. I mean holy crap, this road has some TURNS in it! And the pavement? Woah! The pavement is perfect! Traffic? What traffic! Heck, this is even fun! Holy cow, here's comes the 17th 15 mph corner in a row and my tires are starting to come to life! Hmmm... I wonder if my riding partner is having as much fun on this road as I am!

Stop. Take pictures of the magnificent scenery! The Aspens are in peak! The mountains north of Yellowstone are magnificent! Life is good.

Get back on the bike. Continue down a wonderful canyon and then suddenly remember. Oh $hit, we're supposed to be heading to the Canadian border for an Ironbutt ride. I wonder...

I mean, I can't really think of a good reason right now to want to go to Mexico. It's gotta be hot down there. And it's all Interstate getting there. I wonder...

Switch to what's going thru riding partner's head on other bike... "Will, I'm not sure I can do an Ironbutt ride. No, no, scratch that. How about, Will, I just got a call from my girlfriend and I have to be back home Sunday night. Nah, that would cut our ride short. I wonder how to broach the subject with Will that I don't want to go to Mexico this weekend...."

Back to what's going on in my head. Holy cow, that last turn was F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!

Pull up next riding partner at T-intersection to Beatooth Pass. Shut off engine. Both riders with $hit-eatin grins. "I can't think of a single good reason to go to Mexico right now", I said. He looked back and said "Lolo?"

At the drop of a hat, a ride that had been planned for over 2 months was discarded like a cheap whore. We turned our bikes northward and proceeded up over Beatooth Pass with the jubilation of knowing that this was just the appetizer.

In Red Lodge, MT, we regrouped, got out the maps, looked at where we were on the continent, and then looked at where Lolo Pass (west of Missoula, MT) was. Hmmm... Since we had scrapped our IBA ride, the clocks, watches and other time telling devices could be packed away. Hey, what's this place up here, almost in the way of getting to Missoula? Why, it's Glacier National Park, of course.

Cell phone out, hotel reservations changed (from BFE eastern Montana to a real landmark like Glacier) and we were on our way! Glacier by Friday night, a mere 30 hours after departing Colorado Springs.

Saturday morning. Damn! It's cold out here. Glad we brought some extra layers! Up before sunrise, into THE National Park and up over Going to the Sun Road. Words cannot express the scenery, the roads, or the twisties that were experienced in the next couple of hours. It simply MUST be experienced (current plan is for a revisit in September of 2004 ).

Ever happier about our decision to scrap the IBA ride, we headed down to Missoula, over to the town of Lolo, and gassed up. Anticipation was setting in and we could hardly contain our emotions when talking to other bikers at the gas stop. This location, this place, Lolo, had been on my "to-do" list for nearly three years and all was about to come true.

We headed up to the top of the pass, and sure enough, right where everyone said it would be was THE sign. In caution yellow, the warning read: "Winding road next 77 miles."

The next hour and a half was spent on one of the best roads in the west. Maybe not for a real sportbike, with an overtuned suspension, but for a GS, this road was perfection! Every time I thought it was over, it just kept going, and going and going... In fact the "77 mile" phrase on the sign is fairly misleading. With the exception of a few ill-placed small towns and villages, the road was twisty for almost a continuous 190 miles. In fact, I think this road made it off of my "to-do" list and onto my "must do every year" list.

After Lolo, we stopped in Lewiston, ID, and wondered what to do next. A quick stop in the local bike shop had us off and on our way again on something even better than Lolo (albeit much, much shorter). For anyone else who's got a "to-do" list of rides, just add Washinton state Highway 129 right now. Don't ask why, just do it. You will not regret it. It get's little fan fare, but the best 12 mile stretch of highway in the west is a 4 mile stretch of 129 just south of Asotin, ID. 12 miles? Yeah, it was so good good we turned around and did it two more times before moving on down the road. It's that good! We then made our way down thru Hell's Canyon and were actually getting tired of all of the twisties. Time for some Interstate to get the blood to stop flowing so much.

40 miles of Interstate into Boise, and we were ready for more. We headed northeast on Highway 21, thru Idaho City. Gosh! Not another "twist-til-you-can't-take-anymore road"! This road was nearly unrelenting for the next 177 miles into Challis, ID.

Ok, enough already. I need some straight and flat to catch my breath. Fortunately, the road down to Pocatello offered just that. A chance to put the cruise control on, crank up the tunes, and eat a little bit, while riding, of course. We got into somewhere just northwest of Flaming Gorge on Sunday night, and a makeshift camp.

Monday morning. A lap around flaming gorge. "I can't take anymore! I'm twistied out." Hit the highway over to Steamboat, down to Wolcott, up Highway 24 to Minturn and back into home base in Woodland Park.

All told, about 3100 miles in 96 hours, and only about 500 miles of that was flat and straight! Almost (but not quite) Ironbutt pace thru some of the best twisties the west has to offer. And quite possibly the best trip to date, in 30-some years of riding.

Hope y'all had a good weekend too! Cheers!