After swapping out my brake pads last week (in a job that took two hours too many), I'm hoping some one can help me with a dilemma I have when working on the front end of my 2004 WJ Jeep.

In a nutshell: I'd like to get the front end of the Jeep up onto jack stands - so I can remove/work on both wheel hubs without lowering/re-raising the vehicle. My current process is this -- lift axel, slide jack stand underaxel, lower and remove scissor-jack. However, the pickle is this: there is no way to simultaneously get a scissor-jack and a jack stand in place on the driver side, due to the location of the front diff. So I ended up just swapping the driver side brake pads using the scissor lift which was, needless to say, precarious at best.

The manual suggests lifting with the OEM scissor-jack closest to the wheel as possible on either end of the axel. On the passenger side, I was able to move the scissor-jack about 12" toward the pumpkin to get the jack stand close to the wheel. However, on the driver side, there is not enough exposed axel available to get both the scissor jack and the jack stand in place. See photo below (unfortunately, direct view to axel is mostly blocked from this angle)....

Any ideas? New floor jack required to get both sides properly lifted?