checkin out prices on gopro's has anyone bought the 1080 and went to the nonHD version or vise versa? I'm not sure i need the full HD, mainly for reasons that i wont be using it for any high speed racing or whatever, just bouncing around forest trails, burning down fire roads and whatnot.

Also, mounts... Is the helmet mount FTW, or are the bar mounts better/worse? It will mainly be on a big Thumper, my DR650, I know vibration might be an issue, but I have a lot of real estate there on the bars. I'd also assume they are a bit safer on the bike vs on my head, as i sometimes use my head to ricochet against low hanging tree branches...

Thoughts? Any good used ones around? Saw one on CL for $100, but id rather snag one from a forum member if its not gettin used.