Just wanted to start a thread were we can take the time to post thank yous for the 2005 season.

I'd like to send a big thanks to the guys down at TK, I know I'm just a little fish in the pond but I've always been taken care of great and the guys down there are #1 in my book. So to Brain, Bart thank you so much for your time this year, along with the help where ever I needed it, which came about every weekend a few times.

Also thanks to the Canuck, who was at pretty much all the races helping me, he's a great pit bitch and a good friend. Thank man, now get out there and start racing!

Thanks also goes out to Jenny, KC, 4 horsemen guys and Joe. Jenny for always being at the track and just being Jenny, KC for telling me how much faster he is then me and all the MRA and the guys at 4 horsemen, Bob, Hoopty and Gene, it was great pitting with you guys and for the help every weekend, I don't think I could have pitted with a better group of guys. Also not to forget Joe, damn man... Thanks for taking the time and helping me get things set up, both you and Gene really helped me get the bike to handle better I can't thank you guys enough.

MRA air fence guys, Ray-Ray, Spiderbob and stand in Lurch or Hoopty, thanks for being a great team, makes a hard job a little easier when you are working with a good group of guys.

Also would like to personally thank Ray-ray and Lurch, both of you have been there since I started racing and I'd like to thank you guys for all that you do, from it being a box of nillas to just joking around in the pits. A race season just wouldn't be the same with out you guys.

To all the other MRA guys, it's been a LONG season but you all have helped make it one of the best summers I've had, from the random shit talking to the way to go, I look forward to next season and hope you all a great winter break, we all need it.

AND TO ALL THE CORNER WORKERS! THANK YOU! None of us could have a season with out you guys, thank you soo much!