Murphy walks among us!

The unexpected happened today - I crashed in a low-slide. We were about 3 minutes and under 2 miles into the ride and I was within the 35mph speed limit (seriously) and I was taking it easy, not pushing the bike at all.

The best probable explanation is that my tires were cold (I arrived at MOCO an hour before we left, allowing them to cool down). I went into a normal lean and the bike just kept leaning - the tires slipped out in an instant.

Thank god there wasn't a car coming around the corner in the on-coming lane because that's where I ended up.

Because I was wearing FULL gear I was able to walk away without injury, just a twisted ankle that should clear up in a few days (No bruising or swelling) and the bike was also saved. Just some road rash on my corner front fairing and a case cover - THAT'S IT!

Because I never got ejected and stayed on the bike through the slide, my leg and foot basically acted as one big frame slider as they were TRAPPED under the bike, sliding 20-25 feet across the pavement.

I was able to pick up the pick and continue the ride almost like nothing happened.

Everyone in this crowd runs with at least a helmet, jacket and gloves (aka the basics) but only about 1/3 have pants and full length boots.

I know they're expensive but this is something you absolutely must get. Even if means buying on a credit card, it's a better alternative to intense pain, a visit to the ER and potentially becoming disabled. Gear can't save you every time but it will in 90% of the crashes.

If I was in jeans and non-race boots I would have: A broken foot/ankle, a broken knee cap and severe road rash - probably a perm limp because my leg and boot were trapped under the bike for the entire 20-25 foot slide.

Don't skimp on the gear! Leather beats textile every time and even in hot weather leathers will keep you just as cool because of the vents and perforation.

After my last low slide (in jeans and it sucked) 4 years ago I bought near top-end Alpinestars boots, pants, full gauntlent gloves, a MX-1 jacket and a new Shoei helmet from for about $1200.

Usually around July (and right now in some sizes) they have a clearance on last year's models and sell for half price. They also have excellent full video reviews of everything they sell on their site.

It is inevitable that you will crash one day. There are only two types of riders. Those that have gone down and those that will. At some point you too will go down.

Here's the damage pictures:

I care about each and every one of you (even Vellos!).

If you're holding off on getting full gear because its expensive, I hope this convinces you to get it now.
