Quote Originally Posted by modette99 View Post
Yep $680 last year on the Ford Edge, just got the card, $460 this year...such BS in this state, but I blame the voters...could of had $20 tags...but oh no we can not do that. Although I believe it should be more then $20 or whatever was proposed that would of sent a strong message to the state...but nope the voters were idiots.

But still it save the state more money by not having both tags, we all probably be surprised by how much if we went to one plate. There is NO reason for two plates....states with one plate seem to work just fine.
That was one of the dumbest items on the ballot in history. A reduction in those taxes? Hell yes. But a complete removal, no way. I hate paying those fees as much as anyone else. My new car this year cost me $960. Fucking $58 for my 9 year old WR250?!?!? But I know where the money goes, and I'm somewhat ok with it. If the state didn't have that cash, our roads would suck even more than they already do.

My suggestion is that if you don't like it, move out of the state. You do have a choice.