Hey Board,

I wanted to get everyones advice on my situation. I got caught doing 105 in a 55. Cop was a little mad but then started to see i was sincere about it. I wasn't aware of all the trouble in CO being i have only been here just over a year. so the run down

105 in 55mph zone 40+ = 12 points
Careless = 4 points
No proof of insurance = 4 points
added Reckless Driving = 8 points

Being i'm from maryland i have no priors in colorado and even in maryland i never got a ticket. I didn't know if anyone could recommend what i should do. Was stuck behind people and opened it up passing them to get around since there was accident on side of road. didn't see him clocking people coming around. i stopped right away but he was yelling to pull over and take the keys out, helmet off, etc. He said 1 in 3 run and since i did stop he would not impound it and that he adviced me to get a lawyer. he then later stated if i bring my current insurance card that would be dropped more than likely.

Wanted to see if anyone has been in the same boat. As of right now my mandated court appearance is next month. Feedback is appreciated.
