This is rediculous that we can't get more than a handful of members to volunteer to work the booth at the IMS. YOUR CLUB is spending a pretty decent chunk of change to have a presence at this show and our display will be cancelled if some more people don't step up soon. If for no other reason than there is no one signed up for the setup slot and Hanna cannot do it herself due to a back injury (not that she should have to even if she were 100%). Once the show begins at 4:00 Friday setup is over and we will not be able to be there at all.

I must also voice my displeasure with the MRA's abysmal turnout at Second Creek workdays last weekend. Very few said they would be there, and the majority of those who committed didn't bother to show up.

Making this organization work is more than just showing up and racing and I don't think it is too much to ask for you to donate a few hours of your time. While the things done last weekend at SCR were hard labor and weren't at all fun, working this booth is stand there and talk to people about a sport you are obviously passionate about.

Soooooooo....who wants to volunteer?